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Page 43 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamThe caliphate of UmarUmar, according to the will of Abu-Bakr, dressed himself with the caliphate. He was asevere man. He would put the religious punishments into practice carefully and he had,personally, a careful control over the state affairs. No one of his officers dared tomisappropriate funds in his administrative charge or to make use of their positionsunlawfully because he was too strict with the expenses of Bayt al-Mal (public treasury).The Islamic conquests began to expand on all sides and consequently spoils and wealthwere brought to Medina. The caliph used to keep the companions in Medina not to letthem be affected by bad habits. He always opposed bringing books from the conqueredcountries. He said: “These books are surplus to our requirements while the Qur’an is withus.” He ordered to burn those books. But Imam Ali (s) often said to his followers: “Bringknowledge home even if it is in remote places.” I just quote a wise saying of Imam Ali (s)from Nahj al-Bal¡ghah where he says: “It is odd to the character of a liberal man to flatteror to be envious of the others except in searching for knowledge.” Of course these twoideas of the two caliphs are so contrary to each other. Although the people were keptaway from Imam Ali's teachings and attainments but he was often asked for giving legaladvices by the caliphs, in order to put the state affairs in good order or to correct theirjudgments about the religious laws.[1] When Khuzestan (the southern part of Iran) wasconquered by the Muslims, the wali named Hormozan and his slave Abu-Lu’lu’ werebrought to Medina as captives. Umar donated the slave to al-Mugheerah, who was aversed politician among the Arabs and he was close to the rulers. Abu Lu’lu’, as afunctionary, was not paid his due wages by his master. He complained to the caliph Umarabout it but the caliph did not pay any attention to him. He pleaded with justice repeatedlyover and again but Umar did not take it seriously. It reminds of a saying of Imam Ali (s),who often said to his followers: “You have to pay the laborer his wages before his sweatdries.” He also said: “Receive people humbly. Be kind and pitiful to them. Deal with themcheerfully and respectfully.” At any rate Abu Lu’lu’ did not receive a convincing reply. Thenhe determined on avenging himself on the caliph and finally Umar was wounded by hisdagger in the mosque and that fatal wound made him die. When Umar knew that his endwas coming soon, he formed a council and appointed six persons; Ali ibn Abu-Talib, Abdal-Rahmaanibn Awf, Talhah ibn Abdullah, Al-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, Sa’d ibn Abu-Waqqas, Uthman ibn Affan as the main members and his own son as a substitute

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