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Page 42 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamexample. The Muslims have to know that the peerless qualities and spiritual particulars ofImam Ali (s) are the best stimulus for the youths allover the Islamic countries to solvetheir problems and corruptions. It is the duty of the Islamic scholars to imitate the writerof al-Ghadir to purify history of the blemishes those previous historians stained it with:and to show the glorious life of the Prophet’s successor.” NotesAbdul Fattah Maqsood and Ala'uddeen Karaka, the professors of al-Azhar University, [1].as it was published in Sa'd Magazine and al-Ahram NewspaperThe caliphate of Abu-BakrAbu-Bakr was one of the Prophet’s great companions. He was the prophet’s pal in thecave at the night of emigration. He controlled all the affairs of the state as it wasmentioned before. Some of the great companions, who were about nine persons,remonstrated against but he did not heed.[1] On the next day, nineteen persons made aprotest against him in the mosque but he had no any evidence from the Prophet to goupon.[2] It is to be noted that Abu-Bakr decided to deprive Fatima, the holy daughter ofthe Prophet, of her property of Fadak.[3] Fadak was donated to Fatima by her fatherwhen a Qur’anic verse was revealed. The Holy Qur’an says: (Whatever Allah has restoredto His Apostle from them, you did not press forward against it any horse or a riding camel,but Allah gives authority to His Apostle against whom he pleases, and Allah has powerover all things. Whatever Allah has restored to His Apostle from the people of the towns, itis for Allah and for the Apostle and for the near of kin and the orphans and the needy andthe wayfarers, so that it may not be a thing taken by turns among the rich of you ...) 59:6-7.After the revelation of this verse, the Prophet donated Fadak to Fatima.[4] The caliphateof Abu-Bakr lasted for two years and four months. Syria was conquered by the Muslims at:his days. NotesRefer to al-Fakhr ar-razi in his Tafseer, Jalaluddeen as-Sayooti in his Tareekh al- [ 1]Kulafa', ibn Abul Hadeed in Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah, at-Tabari in Tareekh al-Islam,Muhammad Khawand Shah in his Rawdhatus Safa, ibn Abdul Birr in al-Istee'ab, Muslim,al-Bukhari, al-Asqalani and al-Balathiri. [2] Ibid. [3] It was a village near Medina, which theProphet had donated to his daughter Fatima (s). [4] Refer to ath-Tha'labi's Kashful Bayan,Jalaluddeen as-Sayooti's Tafseer, vol.4, ibn Katheer's Tareekh, al-Balkhi's Yanabee'ulMawadda, al-Hakim al-Hasakani's Tareekh, ibn Mardwayh's Tafseer and al-Muttaqi al-.Hindi's Kanzul Ummal

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