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Page 41 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamthan what it is now and that the Muslims would have never been involved in dissent andthat their unity and consensus would protect them against calamities. Mohammad, thegreat educator of mankind, wanted successors having efficiency and power ofunderstanding and having courage and prudence. He wanted such men, who were ableto be moderate between worldliness and religiousness with the same spirit as theProphet had. They should direct the people to the right path of the Qur’an and theirconduct must be as that of peacemakers. The guardian of the Prophet must be a man,who would never forget rightfulness and the way of God when judging; a man, whowould never be feeble when walking in the right way and in achieving justice whethertowards his relatives or the others, a man, who-at the time of failure or prevalence-wouldbe masterful against the oppressors and very kind to the helpless, a man, who would beable to decide upon any subject according to wisdom and rightfulness and to be far awayfrom his own desires. But regretfully, it must be said that the Arabs missed the onlyhistorical opportunity they had and they did opposite to the Prophet's will; thereforeIslam's losses were great and beyond description. Islam, at the beginning of its growth,missed all creative power because of disputes and fights, whereas the Muslims couldconquer the entire world during a half of the first century of Islam’s inception if they hadnot struggled against each other. Now it is necessary for the Islamic scholars to unveil thehistorical facts and to define the causes of the events and after coming to a reasonableconclusion, they must show the unaware Muslims the deeds, the conduct and thespeeches of Imam Ali(s), the best example of humanity. They have to state properly thelife and guardianship of the Prophet’s successor and cousin. Which story is more pleasantthan the biography of a man, who lived for the divinity and for spreading the religion ofGod and who did his best to direct his fellow men to the right path and in the meantime hedid not refuse to guide the men of authority (the caliphs Abu-Bakr and Umar) sincerely.His manly qualities and morals should be emphasized because he was the prime exampleof Mohammedanism. God had granted him science, ability of interpreting the divine lawsand eloquence. He was really the sword of the Prophet against the enemies. He was aman of iron, whose stability and firmness would not become shaky by greed or threat. Heis the Imam, whom we are bound to love and follow. The Holy Qur’an says: (Say: I do notask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives) 42:23. God had purified ImamAli and his dear sons of every sin. Nowadays, the world of Islam is seriously in need ofknowing the characteristics of this great personage to be taken as a guide and an

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