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Page 40 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamBut al-Aqqad ignored that Umar received the caliphate by the will of Abu-Bakr and Umarhimself vested this authority with a committee of six persons. The Islamic scholar, Dr. KialiHalabi, in his letter to al-Ameeni, the author of al-Ghadir, said: “The history of Arabia isnothing except the history of Islam. The Arabs have neglected their duty to compose andteach their history (Islamic history) because what is taught under the name of Islamichistory is neither scientific nor free from partiality and it is full of private motives. That,which had been written by the historians at the time of the Umayyads and the Abbasids,was not free from showing partial views and most of it had deviated from the truth,because of material interests or for fear of being suppressed by the authority. Moreover,the modern critics are not able to unveil the facts and the real causes of the events and todiscover the historical connections among them, whereas the aim and the required resultof history is to discover such causes and connections. The world of Islam is always inneed of the scientific study of history in order that the Muslims may know what eventswere behind the great victories achieved at the first part of the Islamic history and whatmotives moved them. The Muslims have to know what services the Muslim walis hadrendered to the Islamic civilization or what blows they had inflicted upon it. Before all weshould know what happenings made the Muslims dissent after the Prophet's death andwhich party was right in this discord. What happened to make the Hashemites bedeprived of their right? What was the effect of Imam Ali’s seclusion and satisfaction ofeducating the Muslims only? When these questions are clarified then what is to be doneto achieve the union of the Muslims and to achieve the scientific and politico-economicimprovement in the Islamic countries and to make use of this improvement?Consequently the new generation can clear up what is dark and vague on the pages ofthe books history and then to follow the example of the policy and behavior of Imam Ali(s), the prime example of humanity, and of his dear sons and followers. I think that it isnecessary for the Islamic scholars to fulfill this duty. The book al-Ghadir is one of thosebooks that have cleared up the dark corners and the ambiguous sentences of theprevious careless writers. It is too regretful that many of the previous historians haveturned the historical facts upside down and that they have led the contemporary youthsastray in connection with the truths. The new generation should know that the honorableApostle of Islam had definitely presented Imam Ali (s) as his successor and executor ofhis will, but his companions forgot it and disregarded the Prophet's orders. If they hadsubmitted to his command, the fate of the Islamic world would have been more ordered

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