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Page 38 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamand supported you, Muhajirun, but our purpose was obeying Allah and His apostle. It doesnot make us put obstacles in the way of the caliphate. Muhammad (s) was from Koreish.Koreish has the right to get this position and Koreish suffices for it.” When Basheerfinished his speech, the dispute reached a high point among the Ansar. The Muhajiruntook advantage of this tumult and seized the opportunity. Umar and Abu ‘Ubaydah rantowards Abu-Bakr and paid homage to him as caliph, and then Basheer al-Ansari and hisfamily resigned themselves to Abu-Bakr. In this way Abu-Bakr became the caliph afterthe Prophet (s). Surprising it is! The Muhajirun, because of their precedence in Islam andworshipping God and their kinship with the Prophet as they pretended, disqualified theAnsar but they did not talk about Imam Ali (s), who was the true successor for the samereasons. He was the first man, who believed in Muhammad, the first one, who offeredprayer behind the Prophet and he, on the contrary to the other Prophet’s companions,had never worshipped idols.[1] It was surprising indeed when the Ansar were beaten inthe debate of kinship with the Prophet and submitted to the Muhajirun whereas Abu-Bakrrelated to the Prophet through his seventh great grandfather and Umar related to theProphet through his ninth great grandfather but they ignored Imam Ali (s), who was so:closer to the Prophet that he was a full - blood cousin. NotesSaqeefah means a shed [2] It was mentioned by Abul Qassim al-Hasakani, Ahmad in his [1]Musnad, al-Khawarizmi in his Manaqib, Sulayman al-Balkhi al-Hanafi in his Yanabee'ulMawadda chap.12, ibn Abul Hadeed in Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah, p.p.375-377,388, an-Nassa'ei, Abu Na'eem al-Isfahani, ath-Tha'labi, ibnul Maghazili and many other Sunni.scholars in their booksImam Ali stays at homeIt was said beforehand that many great men of Mecca, especially those who had grudgeagainst Muhammad (s) obstinately, were killed in the battle of Badr by the sword of ImamAli and that there were a few houses that did not lose a relative by Ali’s sword; thereforethey were not so pleased with him. On the other hand, many notable companions of theProphet (s) were jealous of him because of his great valor for Islam, especially becausethat he was highly esteemed by the Prophet. Therefore these reasons made him stay athome. Abu-Sufyan was the leader of the commercial caravans of Koreish before theadvent of Islam. He carried on trade between Mecca and Syria. After the battle of Badr hewas the commander of all the expeditions that moved towards Medina fighting against

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