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Page 37 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamManaqib, al-Khawarizmi's Manaqib and ibnul Maghazili's Manaqib. [5] Refer to al-Hakiman-Nayshaboori's Manaqib vol.3 p.p.139, Ahmad ibn Hanbal's Musnad vol.3 and AbuNa'eem al-Isfahani's Hilyatul awliya'. [6] Refer to Ahmad's Musnad, al-Khawarizmi's.Manaqib and sayyid Ali al-Hamadani's Mawaddatul QurbaThe disputes in the SaqeefahThe disputes in the Saqeefah[1] Saqeefah was a big shed where the Ansar (the localcitizens of Medina) would gather to discuss the public affairs and occasionally they wouldappoint chieftains of local families. After the Prophet's death, the Ansar formed a meetingto discuss the subject of his successor. Sa’d ibn Ubadah, who was one of the Prophet’sgreat companions and an important man in his tribe, was nominated by his tribe theKhazraj. There was another tribe in Medina named Aws. A state of war was betweenthese two tribes since a long time ago. There was still a great enmity between them atthis time. The Aws naturally did not show any favor for this candidate and they opposedthey Khazraj. While they were arguing with each other, suddenly three men of Muhajirun;Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah came into the Saqeefah. At first Umarstood up to speak but Abu-Bakr prevented him and he himself said: “We, the Muhajirun,believed in Mohammad and worshipped God before all of you. We are Mohammad’sfriends and relatives; therefore these privileges and attributes are quite enough for us totake the reins of government.” Then a man from the Ansar, named Habbab, turnedtowards his family and said: “O people of Ansar, do not surrender to them. We, the Ansar,have also some other precedence over them. We are men of wealth, honor and a greattribe. We gave them shelter in our homes. Islam progressed by our sword. You shouldstick to your right severely. One emir is to be from us and one is to be from them.” Umarstood up and said: “It is not possible to have two rulers in the same time. By Allah, theArabs will not be contented to have a ruler from you, the Ansar, whereas the Prophet (s) isnot from your family; therefore the caliph must be from his own family. Whoever opposesus, will do wrong and will commit a sin, which leads to perdition.” Habbab stood up againand repeated the same words as before but he was scolded by Umar severely. Then Abu‘Ubaydah stood up and said; “You, the Ansar, helped and supported us in different waysand now we expect that you do not change your behavior.” But the Ansar did not accordto the Muhajirun. The situation was going to an end in the interest of the Ansar, butsuddenly Basheer, one of the Khazraj, stood up and said: “Although we reinforced Islam

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