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Page 36 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamjangle, decided to go to the mosque to say to the people orally about the decree heordered them to write. He got at the mosque infirmly as he had leaned on the shouldersof Imam Ali (s) and his cousin al-Al-Fadhl ibn al-Abbas and his feet were draggling on theearth. The people were impatiently waiting for hearing his last words. After praising Godhe said: “I leave two great and dear things among you; the Holy Qur’an and my family. Ifyou keep to them, you will never go astray.”[3] It was mentioned by al-Asqalani that theProphet turned his face to his followers, who had formed a circle around his bed and said;“My death is coming soon and I just leave two profound things among you; the first is theQur’an and the second is my family.” Then he raised Ali’s hand and said: “Ali (s) keeps tothe Qur’an and the Qur’an will never be separated from him.” (They are correlative witheach other). While the Prophet was sick he advised people to keep to prayers andrecommended them to be fair dealing with the slaves and their rights. Then he added thathis traditions and Sunnah should not be forgotten after him and the Muslims, when havingproblems and difficulties, should turn to his family. Obeying his family was obligatory forthe Muslims. Then he continued: “They (his family) are the wisest among all of you and becareful not to try to teach them anything. Know that Ali (s) will be my successor after mydeath.”[4] At last he sought after Ali (s) and whispered to him for a while and then he wentto the better world while his blessed head was in Ali’s lap.[5] Later on Imam Ali (s) said:“The Prophet, at the last moments of his life, whispered and taught me one thousandchapters of science; each one of them contained one thousand chapters. The abovementioned matters indicated that Imam Ali (s) was well-qualified for the task of thecaliphate. The generalities of the Qur’an just explain precepts and religious jurisprudencein general and ordinary people cannot interpret them easily. The Prophet said: “Ali is thebest and the wisest of you all and he is the best of you in judgment. Rejecting his sayingsmeans rejecting my sayings. Refuting my sayings means denying God's precepts.”[6]:NotesMuhajirun: the first Muslims, who emigrated from Mecca to Medina at the beginning of 1]the Islamic mission. Ansar: the people of Medina, who believed in the Prophet andassisted him and his companions. [2] Refer to al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol.12 p.p.178, Muslim ibnal-Hajjaj's book al-Wassiyya, Ahmad's Musnad, vol.1 p.p.122, Imam al-Ghazaly in his SirrulAalameen, ibn Hajar in his Sawa'iq and many others. [3] Refer to Muslim's Sahih, vol.7p.p.122, at-Tarmithi's Sunan, vol.2 p.p.307, an-Nassa'ie's Khassa'iss, Ahmad's Musnad,vol.1,3,4,5 p.p.14, 26, 59, 182 and many others Sunni scholars. [4] Refer to al-Bayhaqi's

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