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Page 35 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamibn Abu Shayba al-Koofi in his Tafseer, an-Nassa'ie in his Sahih, Muhammad ibn Yousufal-Ganji ash-Shafi'ei in his Kifayatut Talib, ibn as-Sabbagh al-Maliki in his al-Fussool al-.Muhimma p.p.123 and many othersThe Prophet becomes illAfter the battle of Tabouk, the Prophet always felt that there was a danger coming fromthe Roman Empire and that he was about to fight them; therefore he got ready for thewar and ordered the Muslims; Muhajirun and Ansar, [1] to encamp out of Medina under.the leadership of Usamah ibn ZaydSome of the great companions, like Abu-Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah,were specially ordered to join the camp but the Prophet was suddenly attacked by feverand had to be confined to bed. The commandership of Usamah was insupportable tosome great companions because he was a young man of twenty years old but hisprudence and wisdom was confirmed by the Prophet. The social positions in Islamdepended upon prudence and personal ingenuity and not on eldership and seniority. Inspite of the Prophet’s insistence on them to set out to Syria they did not do. It seemedthat some secret hands interfered to stop the movement of the army because as soon asthey knew that the Prophet was bedridden, they all left the camp with the pretext ofvisiting him. As it was said before that the Prophet did not present Imam Ali as hissuccessor for fear of people's mischief until a verse to be revealed that God wouldguarantee his security. He anticipated that some of his companions might put obstacles inthe way of Imam Ali; hereon he ordered them strictly to set out towards Syria. But a fewpoliticians would not obey him under various pretexts. They even tried to make theProphet change his mind with regard to Imam Ali (s). The future events would justify thismatter. One day when some of the believers gathered around his bed, the Prophet, afterpondering, said to his companions: “Bring me an inkpot with a piece of paper to write youa decree. If you keep to it, you will never go astray after me at all.” Umar, who became acaliph later on, said: “Illness has overcome him and he is just raving. The Holy Qur’an issufficient to us.”[2] Then a quarrel happened among the companions. Some of them saidthat it was necessary to bring a piece of paper and an inkpot but the others, who were onUmar’s side, refused. It is too indecent to mention the words that were exchangedamong them. It was enough that some bad words were heard by the Prophet that heturned his face away from his companions. The Prophet, in order to put an end to this

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