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Page 34 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamAwliya', Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, ibnul Maghazili in his Manaqib, at-Tabari in hisal-Wilaya, Ahmad. When those formalities of allegiance were finished, a verse wasrevealed: (This day have those who disbelieve despaired of your religion, so fear themnot, and fear Me. This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favoron you and chosen for you Islam as a religion) 5:3. Some scholars thought that this versewas revealed when the hajj was all over in Mecca but some others[1] thought that it wasrevealed in Ghadir Khumm to show the willingness of God in appointing Imam Ali (s) asthe leader of the believers after the Prophet. According to the Shia opinion, the imamate(caliphate after the Prophet) is a divine rank and as the prophets were chosen among thebest and wisest people, the imam also should be chosen in the same way among theinnocent and pious men. The caliph must be able to clarify the vague problems and couldanswer the scientific questions of religion, which were brought forth for discussion,without falling into error, because the caliphate was indeed an integral part of theprophethood. Therefore God knew better which one was well-qualified to the task. Thesaid tradition and the following shortstory are convincing evidences for the Shia to prove the immediate succession of ImamAli (s) after the Prophet's death. One day a beggar came into the mosque of Medina and.asked for alms. He repeated his request several times but no one granted him anythingibn Muhammad al-Koofi (ibn Oqda) in his al-Wilaya, ibn Haddad al-Hasakani in his al-.Wilaya and many othersAbul qassim al-Hasakani in his book Shawahid at-Tanzeel, sibt ibn aj-Jawzi in his [ 1]Khawass al-Umma and Abu Sa'eed as-Sajistani in his al-Wilaya. Imam Ali (s) stretched hisfinger out while he was kneeling in offering prayer so that the beggar would take ImamAli’s ring off his finger. Just then a verse was revealed: (Only Allah is your lord and Hisapostle and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate whilethey bow)[1] 5:55. Now by taking into consideration this Qur’anic verse and the Prophet'sclear and decisive words in Ghadir Khumm, we knew that Imam Ali (s) was the rightfulheir and legal successor of the Prophet (s). Of course there are many other crucialevidences in this regard through the Holy Qur’an and the other reliable sources but thismatter cannot be contained by this book and it needs an independent book by itself.:NotesAl-Fakhr ar-Razi in his Tafseer, vol.3 p.p.431, Abu Ishaq ath-Tha'labi in his Kashful [ 1]Bayan, az-Zamakhshari in his Kashshaf, vol.1 p.p.422, at-Tabari in his Tafseer vol.6 p.p.186,

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