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Page 32 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamMuslims; Fatima his honorable daughter as his woman, and her two sons Hasan andHussein as his own sons, and her dear husband Imam Ali (s) as the nearest man to him.Next day when the Christians saw the Prophet coming with his family, they weresurprised at the full and were convinced that God would respond to his prayer. At last theChristians did not agree to damn each other and it was decided that they were to pay atribute to the Muslims in lieu of protecting their lives and wealth by the Islamicgovernment from foreign aggressions. Many of Islamic scholars mentioned the saidtradition and concluded that God has created them both Muhammad (s) and Ali from one.(essence (natureThe last Prophet’s pilgrimage to MeccaHajj is a collective ritual that is fulfilled by the Muslims with the intent of achieving unityand accord among them. This Islamic congress is effective on strengthening the relationsamong the Muslims to solve the difficulties by cooperation and helping each other tobetter their political economical relations. But, regretfully, nowadays the Muslims do notget the benefit of what the Holy Lawgiver willed for them. It is because of the negligenceof some leaders of the Islamic countries. At any rate, according to the Prophet'scommand, all the tribes of Arabia were informed that if they wished to take part in hajjwith the Prophet they should gathered in Medina. It was a didactic journey, neithermilitary nor politico-economic. The Prophet gave his noteworthy lecture to the peoplewhen he arrived at Arafat (a sacred place in Mecca). I think it is necessary to show thereaders some passages of it because it indicates the rights and the duties of peopletowards each other. It is still new after fourteen centuries. The Prophet said: “O people,listen to me; you will never see me here again. Be careful not to trample upon other'srights. You have to regard the lives and the properties of people. You have not to pursueanybody for spite and vengeance. Killing and marauding, which occurred frequentlybefore the advent of Islam must be forgotten forever. It is important for you to know thatusury is an ill-gotten profit in Islam and the wealth which has been obtained by this wayshould be paid back to their owners. Surely the usurer will be punished hard on the Day ofResurrection.” Then he added: “You have to note that husbands have a prerogative upontheir wives that should be considered by women and husbands ought to treat their wiveskindly. Wives are a deposit from God near husbands. You have to administer justiceamong them and be true to your promise in regard to your wives. You, men, have also the

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