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Page 30 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamlie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay thepoor-rate, leave their way free to them, surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. The Charterwas as follows: 1-It was forbidden for the idolaters to go nakedly around the Kaabah. 2-The idolaters would not have the right to enter into the sacred places. 3-No one of theidolaters would have the right to take part in the ceremonies of the greater Hajj. 4-Thelives and the wealth of those, who have concluded the peace contract and have notbroken their promises, would be protected until the end of the contract. The Prophetsought after Abu-Bakr and gave him the verses of the Holy Qur’an enclosed with thecharter to announce them to the unbelievers of Mecca. He set out towards Mecca withforty persons. Then Gabriel came down and said to the Prophet: “O Muhammad, eitheryou yourself or the nearest one to you of your family ought to perform this task.” The HolyQur’an says: (Nor does he (the Prophet) speak out of desire. It is naught but revelationthat is revealed, the Lord of Mighty Power has taught him) 53:3-5. Imam Ali (s) wasordered by the Prophet to set out to Mecca to follow after Abu-Bakr in order to take theverses from him and that he (Imam Ali) himself should inform of the declaration on theday of the greater Hajj. The task was fulfilled well by Imam Ali (s) in the place where manyhouses had lost one or two persons in the wars by his sword. Many groups of the idolaterswere directed to godliness by this declaration as the idolatry was rooted up allover Arabia.before the end of the tenth year A.HThe first meeting with the ChristiansThere was a flourishing country between Arabia and Yemen named Najran where theChristians were living at that time. The Prophet of Islam sent a letter to them forpreaching purposes like the letters that had been sent to the rulers of the adjoiningcountries formerly. The bishop of Najran named Abu Harithah put the matter fordiscussion before the great religionists. A man of mind and intelligence namedShurahbeel in reply to the bishop said: “We have heard our religious leaders saying thatsomeday the Prophethood would be transferred from Isaac’s generation to the sons ofIshmael and we should not be surprised that Muhammad (s), who was one ofdescendants of Ishmael, might be the very Prophet, whom our fore great religionists hadinformed of. I propose that a mission of some wise men are to be sent to Medina toconsider what Muhammad (s) claims. It seems to be reasonable.” The mission arrived atMedina and went straight to the mosque. The Prophet, contrary to his custom that was

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