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Page 28 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamThe battle of TaboukWhen Islam appeared there were two great powers on this side of the earth; the Romansand the Persians. The Roman soldiers were well experienced in the wars and at the sametime, they had won the war against Iran. Syria and the eastern parts of theMediterranean were the colonies of Rome, under the Byzantine rule. There was afortress at the boundary between Syria and the land of Hijr named Tabouk, which theProphet of Islam had come to conquer it. The quick growth and the splendid conquests ofthe Muslims in Arabia had made the Emperor of Rome seek a remedy to stem the tide ofIslam's progress. He was afraid especially of Mohammad's influence upon people.Therefore the Romans decided to harass the Muslims in order to be safe from theirtroubles. Such news was carried to Medina by some commercial caravans. The Prophetsent someone to Mecca and about Medina to call every one, who had faith in God, togather in Medina in order to be ready for the war. This invitation gained ready acceptanceof the Muslims. About thirty thousand persons gathered to fight the enemy. Thisexpedition was very difficult for the Muslims because the weather was too hot and theyhad to go for a long distance through a torrid zone to Tabouk where the Romansencamped. It was also the time of harvest and they would have to harvest their farms’products. There were some hypocrites among the Prophet's companions, who used toinjure the Muslims by sabotage. They tried to discourage people with various excuses,like the hotness, the too far distance and the huge numbers of the enemy, but theirattempt was in vain. When they knew that the Prophet had decided to set out to thebattlefield, they planned to rush upon his house in Medina during his absence. TheProphet (s) perceived their plan and determined to leave Ali (s) as his successor in Medinato safeguard his family. The Prophet got ready for the task of Tabouk. The hypocriteswere displeased with the stay of Ali (s) in Medina; therefore they began to spread falserumors such as that Ali was ordered to take part in this troublesome war but he refusedbecause this war was really insupportable and that the Prophet (s) was displeased withhim. Ali (s), in order to rebut this accusation, told the Prophet (s) of what they rumored andasked him to let him go to the war. The Prophet said to Ali (s): “O my brother, go back toMedina because nobody else is well-qualified to keep Medina safe except I and you. Youare to take care of my house during my absence.” Then he added: “Are you not satisfiedto be to me as Aaron was to Moses? But there will be no prophet after me.” This Prophet'sword is also one of the main arguments of the Shia in proving the immediate succession

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