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Page 27 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamsuperiority for the Arabs to the non-Arabs or for the whites to the blacks. The basis ofsupremacy is virtuousness. The whole human beings are identical with each other beforeGod. The best one is that, who renounces disobeying God.” The Prophet therebycancelled all formal distinctions and being proud of parentage. He said: “The whole humanbeings are descended from Adam and Adam had been created of mud by The Supreme“.creatorThe battle of HunaynNow the most tribes of Arabia had turned Muslims except two tribes; Thaqeef andHawazin. They were strong enough and had resided about Ta’if, a country place in theeast and north east of Mecca. When they knew that the Muslims had conquered Mecca,they decided to attack it before the Prophet would declare war against them. The matterwas reported to the Prophet (s) by the spies; therefore he set out towards them with astrong army of twelve thousand men. Some other Arab families joined Thaqeef andHawazin. They were about thirty thousand men accompanied by their households andcattle. They came to a wide area named Hunayn. The Muslims had to pass a narrowvalley to get to Hunayn. The enemy came down from the rear mouth of the valley and hidthemselves behind big stones and rocks in the slopes. When the Muslims came in sight,the enemy attacked them by a shower of stones and arrows. Consequently the Muslimswere frightened. They escaped and left the Prophet alone. Only a few ones; Ali (s), Abbas,the Prophet’s uncle, ibn Harith, the Prophet's cousin, Al-Fadhl ibn Abbas and Abdullah ibnMas’ud stood against the enemy before the Prophet (s). The historians mentioned thatforty warriors had been killed by Ali(s). A gigantic man, mounting on a red camel andtrying from behind to send the Muslims into troubles, came to face Ali (s). Ali (s) at first cutoff his camel's leg and then halved him into two by his sword. The Prophet (s) and hisuncle Abbas called repeatedly upon the runaways to come back to the field. They cameback and forced the enemy to retreat and to run away towards Ta’if. The Muslims gainedgreat spoils; forty thousand sheep, twenty-four thousand camels, a good quantity ofsilverwares and six thousand persons as captives. The Muslims chased the runawayenemy unto Ta’if but they had to waste a long time in order to conquer its strong fort.Hereon, they, according to the Prophet's command, went back to Medina for performing.other essential affairs

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