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Page 26 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islampresent people began to recall their offences. They were talking to themselves: “Certainlyhe will put us all to the sword or we may be jailed and our wives and children may betaken as captives.” They were immersed in such thoughts when suddenly the Prophet (s)broke the silence and said: “How do you think about me and what do you say now?” Thewhole people, as one man, replied: “We think highly of you and we do not know any thingexcept goodness and favor of you. You are our great and dear brother. The Prophet, whowas kind by nature, said: “Now I say just what my brother Josef (the prophet) said to hiscruel brothers (as the Holy Qur’an says): (He said: (There shall be) no reproof against youthis day; Allah may forgive you, and He is the most Merciful of the merciful).[1] I alreadynotify you to go on your living. Now all of you are free. In order to beware that hisrelatives and kinsmen might misuse his position, the Prophet delivered a short speechamong the members of his family. He condemned injustice and unjust discriminations andalluded to the necessity of spreading justice and equity among all the classes of people.He said: “O sons of Hashim,[2] I am the messenger of God to all human beings. No familyrelation has any effect on one’s punishment on the Day of Resurrection. Everybody will beanswerable for his own acts. Being of my relatives won’t be of any use for you.” [1] The.(Holy Qur'an 12:92. [2 It was the great grandfather of the Prophet (sThe Prophet’s historical speech in KaabahA great crowd of the people of Mecca and the new comers had been gathered in themosque when the Prophet (s) determined on giving a lecture to show the people aglimpse of Islam. At that time one of the greatest and rooted bigotry of the Arab societywas self-glorification or being related to a well-known tribe such as Koreish. The Prophet,in order to overthrow these bad traditions, said to the people: “O people, God wanted toremove haughtiness, selfishness and self-glorification among you by revealing Islam.Verily you were descended from Adam and Adam was created of mud. The best of you isthat, who avoids sins.” This saying meant that the bases of superiority and personalitywere virtue and purity. Then he added: “O people, being Arab is not the ground ofpersonality and it is not an integral part of your nature but it is only a speaking language.It doesn’t benefit you in the afterlife if you leave your duties. You will never attain yourpersonal merit by self-glorification of being related to certain ancestors but by spreadingequity and justice among mankind. In order to spread equality between the blacks andthe whites, the Prophet added: “In fact people are like the teeth of a comb. There is no

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