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Page 24 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamAlthough the Muslims did not get a good result in this battle, but the fame and reputation.of Islam was trumpeted abroad and it opened a way for next publicitiesThe great conquest of MeccaIn the same year the Prophet conquered Mecca by his good management without killingor bloodshed. Mecca was the place where Mohammad and his companions were badlyharmed by the idolaters of Koreish since the beginning of the Prophethood and it was asafe place for his enemies to plot against him for more than ten years. Now it became inthe Prophet’s control. According to the agreement made before, neither the Muslims northe idolaters should assist or interfere in the internal affairs of the confederate tribes ofeach other but they had helped their confederates against the Prophet's allies andconsequently many of them were killed. They asked the Prophet for help to avengethemselves upon the idolaters. On the other hand the people of Koreish had repented oftheir behavior because their acts were opposite to the agreement between them.Therefore in order to restrain the Prophet's anger and to strengthen the previousrelations, Abu-Sufyan, the chief of Koreish, whose hostile behavior had troubled theMuslims more than ten years, made his mind to go towards Medina to apologize in thepresence of the Prophet and meanwhile to give the Muslims a guarantee against anyattack. The Prophet (s) remained silent and did not show any response. Then Abu-Sufyancame out of the mosque and set out straight to Mecca. Now the Prophet, with the intentof conquering, Mecca had to notify the Muslims of a public mobilization and for thispurpose he sent a word to them saying: “Every one, who has faith in God, has to armhimself secretly and to be ready for the war.” Thereafter many watchmen were put insome places to have control over the roads so that nobody could carry news to Mecca.Four thousand well-armed men gathered in Medina and a force of six thousand men fromdifferent tribes joined them along the way. The people of Mecca were quite unaware ofsuch an army that was headed by the Prophet himself and was going to occupy there.Now Abbas, the Prophet's uncle, who was so respected by Koreish, had left Meccatowards Medina. It happened that he met the Prophet in the midway. He had to be inMecca because would spy for the Prophet and thereafter he went along with the Prophet.The Prophet led the Muslims forward until they became near Mecca. In order to frightenthe people of Mecca the Prophet ordered his soldier to set fire to some firewood on thehills. Abbas separated from the Prophet to seek after someone, who could alarm the

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