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Page 23 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islammentioned. The residential quarters of the enemy were stony places that there weresparks arising when the horses' hooves hit the stones. The horses were gasping too. Thisself-sacrifice was so worthy of praise that a surah was revealed from the Heaven aboutthis feat and other devoted soldiers. The Holy Qur’an says: (I swear by the runnersbreathing pantingly, then those that produce fire striking, then those that make raids atmorn, then thereby raise dust, then rush thereby upon an assembly. Most surely man isungrateful to his Lord) 100:1-6. Most of the commentators believed that this surah was.(revealed to praise Ali (sThe battle of Mu’tahThere was somewhat a peaceful time all over Arabia at the beginning of the eighth yearof Hijrah. Neither the Jews in the north nor the idolaters of Mecca caused any threat tothe Muslims. At the same time something happened that made the Prophet (s) dispatch aforce towards the frontier countries of Syria. The Prophet had sent to Damascus a manfor preaching but before getting there he was killed by a frontier official. At the same timesixteen persons, who had gone there for the same purpose, were killed in that area. Theplace where they were killed in was called Mu’tah. A host of three thousand men set outto Mu’tah to avenge the murder of the killed persons under the command of Ja’far the fullbrother of Ali (s). The Prophet delivered a short speech in the camp. He said: “You aregoing to the same place where your brothers have been killed. You go ahead and invitethem to believe in God. If they do not refuse you should dispense with the revenge,otherwise you fight them for the sake of Allah to punish God's enemies. But rememberthat you are not to disturb the monks and nuns, who live away from the social life inmonasteries. You are not to kill children, women and old men. Be careful not to ruinhouses and farms. The Syrian government was well-informed of the Muslim’s braveryand self-sacrifice and also their success in the war against the Arab tribes. In spite of thefact that these two armies (the Romans and the Muslims) were incomparable inequipments and persons but the Muslims showed an extra sacrifice and took toll from theenemy. Now some groups of Muslims left the battlefield for a farther place at midnightand decided to call out with the motto of “la ilaha illa (a)llah” (there is no any God butAllah).They hereby made the enemy think that an auxiliary force would come to help theMuslims and consequently the Syrians stopped attacking the Muslims for two days. Thiswise tactic helped them to seize the opportunity and to leave the field for Medina.

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