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Page 20 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamJews knew the matter they ran away into the forts to prepare for the war. There was afortified castle, named Qamus, where all the Jews gathered into it. The Muslims werekept on waiting for three weeks to open the fort but they succeeded in nothing. Abu-Bakrand Umar started their fight but they were defeated[1]by the Jews. At-Tabari, a Sunnihistorian, had recorded that when Umar came back from the field he frightened theMuslims of the bravery of Marhab the commander of the Jews. The Prophet said:“Tomorrow I will give the banner to a man, who loves God and His messenger and Godand His messenger love him too.”[2] On the next day the Prophet sought after Ali (s), whowas suffering from a sore-eye. The Prophet prayed Allah so that Imam Ali’s eyes mightbe recovered. Imam Ali became well immediately. At last the banner was given to him andhe set out for the war. Marhab was the bravest of all the fighters among the Jews. He waswell-known for his valor. Ali (s) paced towards the forts and, suddenly the big gate ofQamus was opened and a few combatants came out. Harith, the brother of Marhab,suddenly cried a terrific cry that the companions of Ali (s) went back a little, but Ali (s)stood against him. They fought each other and finally Harith was killed by Ali's sword. NowAli (s) faced Marhab. And as it was at those days Marhab began to recite some epic.versesAbu Na'eem al-Isfahani in his book Hilyatul Awliya', vol.1 p.p.62, Muhammad ibn Talhah [1]ash-Shafi'ei in his book Matalib as-Su'al p.p.4, Muhammad ibn Yousuf ash-Shafi'ei in hisbook Kifayatut Talib chap.14, al-Bukhari in his Sahih p.p.100 and ibnul Hajjaj in his Sahih,.vol.2 p.p.324Ahmad's Musnad, ibn Maja's Sunan, Muhammad ibn Yousuf al-Ganji in his Kifayatut [ 2]Talib chap.14, Sheikh Sulayman al-Balkhi al-Hanafi in his book Yanabee'ul Mawaddachap.6 and ibn Hajar in his Issaba, vol.2 p.p.508. He said: “As long as Khaybar remembersthat I am an experienced man in the war and those, who encounter me, will be stained bytheir own blood.'' Ali (s), in reply to him, said: “I am a man, whose name is Haydar (that isto say: a lion that attacks repeatedly and will never escape from the hunting-ground).”Marhab turned about with his horse to run away because he had heard his Jewish rabbisaying that he would be killed by a man named Haydar. But he came back towards Ali (s)talking with himself: “There are many "Haydars" in the world. It is not certain that this isthe very one.” Anyhow he was furious because of his brother's death and he wanted torevenge upon Ali (s) but Ali (s) killed him by a sudden push. The Jews fled away into thefort and closed the door from inside. At last Ali went towards the door and pulled at it by

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