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Page 19 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islammy three wishes. Firstly leave off idolatry and come to be a Muslim.” Amr replied: “I willnever believe in Muhammad. What is the next request?” Ali (s) said: “Change your mindand desist from fighting or come down from your horse because I am on foot.” Amr said:“It will be disgraceful for my family if the people say that Amr is frightened by aninexperienced young man.” He dismounted and rushed towards Ali (s) with a drawnsword. Ali (s) covered his head with a shield. The stroke was so strong that the shield wastorn and his blessed head got a little hurt. Ali (s) struck Amr’s thigh and the illustrious herofell down on the ground. When the battlefield was cleared of dusts, the Muslims becameso delighted when they saw Ali (s) sitting on the chest of Amr and was going to cut off hishead from the body. Amr, at his last gasp, made his will that his valuable cloths andweapons not to be taken up. Ali acceded to his request and said: “It is too easy for me toforget it.” Then those four men who had escorted Amr ran away to pass over the ditch.One of them, when trying to escape, fell down into the ditch. The Muslims began to stonehim but he bade defiance to a man to fight him. Ali (s) came into the ditch and killed himwith one stroke of his sword. Some Sunni historians[1] mentioned that the Prophet hadsaid: “The value of Ali's stroke, before God, on the day of the ditch is more than the“.(obedience of the two world's creatures (the angels and the human beingsAl-Hakim an-Nayshaboori in his Mustadrak, vol.3 p.p.32, al-Mas'oodi in his Murooj ath- [1]Thahab and at-Tabari in his Tareekh. Amr, who was the only hope of the idolaters ofKoreish, was unexpectedly killed and consequently they were seized with deep fright.Abu-Sufyan was surprised how to help the situation. At the same time a bad storm aroseand he decided to go back to Mecca. He delivered a short speech and following the wholearmy left the place. This battle was also called the battle of al-Ahzab (the parties) becausemany groups of the Jews and the nomads of about Mecca and Medina had taken part inthis war. Although the Jews had signed previously a defensive contract to guard Medinaagainst dangers, they, as always, had broken their promises and used to send arms toMecca secretly. They were regularly in treaty with the idolaters; therefore the Muslimscould not find peace of mind. Muhammad (s) decided to bring them down to their kneesand eventually declared the war against them in the year 7 A.H. The Jews were afraid ofthe Islam's progress because they were blinded by prejudice and it also was contrary totheir great interests. There was a habitable and fortified place at a distance of 86 Km fromMedina named Khaybar. The Jews cultivated the lands around the forts. The Muslims,headed by the Prophet, got at Khaybar and encamped opposite to the forts. When the

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