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Page 18 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamMaliki p.p.43 and as-Seera al-Halabiyya by al-Halabi, vol.3 p.p.123. [2] Refer to Ahmad'sMusnad, Ibnul Maghazili's Manaqib, Muwaffaq ibn Ahmad's Manaqib, at-Tarmithi's Sahih,ibn Maja's Sunan p.p.92, Muhammad ibn Yousuf al-Ganji in his book Kifayatut Talib and.many othersThe battle of KhandaqDuring the ten years, in which the Prophet was living in Medina, the Muslims receivedmuch harm from the idolaters of Mecca. The enemy did not let them rest in peace of mindas they had to endure many troubles and difficulties, because they were involved in morethan seventy wars big or small at all times. In the fifth year of Hijrah an army of tenthousand warriors set out towards Medina. The commander of this strong army was Abu-Sufyan, who had grudge against Muhammad. He had a family feud with him. The Prophet,after consultation with his companions, determined on digging a ditch around Medina tohold back the enemy. ‘Amr ibn ‘Abd-Widd, whose heroic fame was trumpeted throughoutArabia, in concert with four other fighters, leaped on the hither side of the moat by horse.Amr, exclaiming in a bad state of anger, challenged loudly. The Muslims were too muchfrightened when this fearless hero appeared in the field. Nobody was ready to fight him.Amr said: “Where is that paradise you desire to go to and take pleasure for ever? I amseeking after a man, who can manage me”. There was no any answer except by Ali (s),who proclaimed his readiness. “Be seated Ali, he is Amr”. The Prophet said and turned hisface towards his companions saying: “Who is ready to get us rid of this wicked man”. Asoften as Amr challenged, Ali (s) was in readiness to face him. At last he obtainedpermission from the Prophet and was as happy to fight the enemy as a prisoner gettingreleased from jail. Ali (s), at the age of 25, faced the robust hero of Arabia, who was an oldhand in fighting. He was awkwardly despised by Amr. But Amr did not know that thisyoung fellow might be more courageous than him. Amr, at first, showed pity for Ali, whohad come to meet death at the beginning of his life as he thought. He said to him: “You aretoo young to combat me. Who are you?” “I am Ali ibn Abu-Talib.” He replied. As soon asAmr heard this name he became a little shocked and with disappointment said: “Yourfather was my close friend and I dislike shedding blood of a young man like you. It wouldbe better if one of your uncles came to the field”. Ali (s) said: “Leave off the silly talks. Iregard it as a duty to kill you for the sake of Allah.” He added: “As I know, you grant one ofthe three requests of your opposite combatant in the battlefield. Now you grant one of

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