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Page 17 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamThe bearer of the idolaters’ banner was a brave man named Talhah ibn Abu-Talhah, whowas continuously challenging. Ali (s) came forward and as soon as Talhah saw Imam Alihe said: “Nobody else had courage to fight me except you”. The historians mentioned thatAli had killed him in the turning of a hand and then his brother lifted the banner and waskilled by Ali too. Some other fighters of the same family were killed one by one and finallya huge slave with the intent of avenging his owners challenged. The historians mentionedthat Ali (s) had divided him into two halves by the first strike of his sword as his body wasstill standing on the ground for a few moments. The enemy, struck with terror, fled awayfrom the field but suddenly an accident drew their attention. A good few of the Muslims,about fifty persons, were keeping watch on a hilly narrow pass where the enemy mightcross the hill and attack from behind the Muslims' back. In spite of the Prophet'srecommendations, they left the place to collect spoils when the enemy was running away.Suddenly they saw that the place was without guardians and then the enemy seized theopportunity and passed along the mountain and made an attack upon the Muslims at therear. In the meantime somebody cried loudly: “Mohammad was killed”. Soon afterspreading this dreadful rumor the Muslims became struck with terror and drew swordsamong themselves. They left Muhammad (s) alone and ran away to the mountains exceptfour or six persons, who remained to defend him. Some of the Sunni historiansmentioned: “All of the Prophet's army, even the great companions, escaped except Ali (s),Al-Zubayr, Talhah and Abu-Dajanah. Ali's sword was broken because of the sternness ofthe war. It was said that the sword named Thu’l-Fiqaar was put in his hand by an angelfrom the invisible world and then an unknown voice proclaimed: “There is no manly youthexcept Ali and there is no sword like Thu’l-Fiqaar”.[1] One of the great fighters of Islamnamed Hamzah, the Prophet's uncle, was killed in this war. This bereavement left a deepimpression on the Prophet's heart. At last the Muslims were defeated in this battle but theenemy did not continue the war and left for Mecca without occupying the supportlessMedina. It was said that Ali (s) had received ninety sword cuts in this field and in spite ofthe much tiredness he did not stop his support to the Prophet (s) for an instant. In themeanwhile Gabriel came down from the Heaven and said to Muhammad: “Look there,how Ali (s) fights in high spirit of sacrifice”. The Prophet answered: “Ali (s) is from me and Iam from him”. (We both have been brought into existence from the same (one) nature.)This tradition was mentioned by many Sunni scholars.[2] [1] Refer to Sharh Nahj al-Balaghah by ibn Abul Hadeed, vol.3 p.p.276, al-Fusool al-Muhimma by Nooruddeen al-

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