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Page 16 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamfield and seventy persons were taken as captives by the Islamic army. Although theMuslims won the battle but the fate would be different if Ali (s) had not come to the field.Most of the captives knew reading and writing. The Prophet's ordered to set free any.captive, who would teach ten Muslims how to write and readFraternization among the MuslimsThe Holy Qur’an says: (The believers are but brethren, therefore make peace betweenyour brothers and be careful of (your duty to) Allah that mercy may be had on you.) 49:10.Therefore the Prophet (s) directed the believers to brotherly, two by two, in anagreement of fraternization. The Prophet (s) fraternized between every two Muslimsexcept Ali, who remained alone. He became depressed for that. The Prophet said to him:“You are but my own brother and you are to me as Aaron was to Moses, but no Prophetwill come after me”. This is mentioned by many historians.[1] This reliable tradition was anessential argument of the Shia to prove the immediate succession of Imam Ali (s) afterthe Prophet's death. In the second year of Hijrah Imam Ali (s) got married to Fatima, theonly daughter of the Prophet. She, because of her steady belief in God, her chastity andher virtuousness was unique among all classes of people. The Prophet (s) had a greatrespect for her. She was requested to give her hand for marriage by some men ofimportance but Mohammad would not accede to their requests. In reply to the suitors, heused to say: “I am waiting for a call from the Heaven in regard to her marriage”..(Eventually this glory was won by Ali (sRefer to al-Bukhari's Sahih, vol.3 p.p.54, Muslim's Sahih, vol.2 p.p.236-237, Ahmad's [ 1]Musnad, vol.1 p.p.98,118-119, Jalaluddeen as-Sayooti's Tareekh al-Khulafa', al-Mas'oodi'sMurooj ath-Thahab,vol.2 p.p.49 and Abu Abdullah an-Nayshaboori in his Mustadrak, vol.3.p.p.9The battle of UhudIn the third year of Hijrah, the battle of ‘Uhud took place. Many encounters happenedafter the battle of Badr and the Muslims drove the enemy back. But the clan of Koreishwas always planning to take vengeance on Muhammad (s), therefore an army of fivethousand strong warriors headed by Abu-Sufyan left Mecca to attack Medina. TheProphet's army in consultation with the companions flew to arms and came out ofMedina. The two armies met near ‘Uhud Mountain six kilometers far away from the city.

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