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Page 14 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized IslamAbyssinia to live in safety under the care of the king Negus. Although the heathens didtheir best to dissuade the king from supporting the Muslims, they came to nothing. Nowthirteen years passed away in this manner until the notables of Mecca put their headstogether to slay the Prophet because they denied Islam to be true. Forty persons of theirgreat men gathered in a place and decided that one person should be selected from eachtribe and that men should, altogether, attack the Prophet. In this way the Hashemites(the Prophet's family) would not be able to face all the tribes and the matter would besettled down with payment of blood money and at the end they would get rid of thistrouble. Mohammad was informed of the plot by revelation and then he introduced thematter before Ali (s), who was the nearest to his heart, for seeking a remedy. Ali (s)volunteered to lie in the Prophet's bed even though there were great dangers impendedover him. At last he did that risking his life and consequently the Prophet's life was saved.When the plotters attacked the Prophet's bed and unsheathed their swords they found Ali(s) sleeping in the bed. They asked: “Where is Muhammad (s)”. Ali replied: “Had youentrusted me with him that you are asking me now”. They had no reply to this. They leftseeking after the Prophet. Imam Ali was highly praised by God on account of thisdevotion. The Holy Qur’an says: (And among men is one who sells himself to seek thepleasure of Allah and Allah is affectionate to the servants) 2:207. Many of the Sunnicommentators[2] confessed that the mentioned verse was due to Ali's dignity. TheProphet emigrated towards Medina at the same night accompanied by Abu-Bakr. Thisevent made an epoch in the history of Islam and it was fixed as the Islamic date by thesecond caliph Umar (The Hijrah). Imam Ali (s) after managing the Prophet's home affairsdecided to migrate to Medina with Mohammad's household and other companions of theProphet, who gave up their concerns and gradually set out to join the Prophet (s).Following troubles and oppressions that were imposed on the Prophet in Mecca, theidolaters would incite the Jews and the nomads about Medina to kill and pillage theanimals and the properties of the Muslims. Several encounters took place in order tocreate disorder about Medina but the doers were chased by the companions of theProphet and they fled away to the mountains and sheltered into the caves until thesecond year of Hijrah when the great men of Mecca decided to uproot the new ordinanceand the believers totally. [1] Refer to Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal's Musnad vol.1p.p.111,159,333, ath-Tha'labi's Tafseer, al-Khawarizmi's Manaqib, Nooruddeen as-Sabbaghal-Maliki in his book al-Fussool al-Muhimma p.p.14, Abu Na'eem al-Isfahani in his book

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