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Page 13 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamlivelihood in front the believers. They left no deficiency in creating difficulties for them;therefore the Prophet had to invite people to theism in concealment. The secret invitationtook three years of time and then a verse came down from the Heaven: (And warn yournearest relations and be kind to him who follows you of the believers) 26:214-215. TheProphet's relations (Koreish family) were the most obstinate opponents of him. They werealso of property and influence. They were called to gather together in the house of theProphet's uncle, Abu-Talib. The Prophet decided to unveil what was concealed. After aprimal speech about God and His attributes and after reproaching the idols and idolatry,he said: “The first one among you, who believes in the unique God and adopts me as HisMessenger, will be my successor.” No one of those, who were present, gave his adhesionexcept Ali ibn Abu-Talib (s). As some of the great Sunni scholars mentioned that theproposal was repeated three times and there was only Ali, who answered affirmativelyand said: “O the Prophet of Allah, I believe in Allah and His messenger and I will be yourassistant towards difficulties”. The Prophet said: “I notify you of this fact that Ali ibn Abu-Talib will be my successor after my death”.[1] It is memorable to be said that theirpaternal relation (Mohammad and Ali) was not the reason in accepting the new law by Ali(s). Many other relatives were persistently faithful to their ancestral customs like Aqil, Ali'selder brother, who was with the enemies in the first war between the Muslims and theunbelievers of Koreish (Badr battle). But Ali ibn Abu-Talib on account of his natural genius,which he was gifted with by God, his education acquired from the Prophet (s) at the earlypart of his life and because of the influence of the Prophet's manner and behavior, allthese factors, made him to meditate on the subject and believe in God. After this meeting,the heathens, for the sake of safekeeping their position among people and their estatesand also for stopping the development of Islam, made many troubles for the Muslimsmany times. All the devilish forces became armed to suppress this heavenly mission. Notonly the believers were put to torture, but also the Prophet himself was not excepted. Itwas mentioned that the Prophet had said: “No Prophet has ever got hurt so much as Igot”. In spite of many sufferings and restrictions, the Prophet would gradually gain powerover the people by moral injunctions of the Holy Qur’an with his high-toned eloquence,his good humor and his laudable qualities. The idolaters tried hard to dispense and dispiritthe believers around the Prophet by force but their efforts were of no avail and theMuslims were regularly increasing. Now the heathens' harshness got to that extent thatmany Muslims, by the permission of the Prophet, determined on emigrating towards

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