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Page 12 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islampartiality especially during his incumbency when he faced many problems. After a greatdeal of time, 621 years after Christ, God gave a mission to Mohammad, His lastMessenger, to guide people in the right way. Mohammad (s), that great lawgiver, broughtinto existence a sudden and basic change in Arabia that was the most fundamental of allother social or religious movements, which have ever arisen allover the world. Hemanaged to lay the foundation of a new systematic ordinance that, within fifty years,gained supremacy over the great civilizations of Rome and Iran and it also had a greatinfluence over the original rules of the Christian Europe, which is still new and novel untilnowadays. At an early part of the 20th century, a declaration was issued by the U.N.Organization concerning liberty and equality of mankind, whereas Islam had givenwomen and girls the legal rights and independence in the economic matters fourteencenturies ago when they were buried alive because they were considered astroublesome and superfluous objects. They were empowered to deal with their affairsindependently and finally were entitled to ownership at the same time, whereas inFrance, the cradle of liberty, women could not sell their properties without permission oftheir husbands until 1938. According to the laws of ancient Iran and Rome a system ofrights and privileges kept the casts separate from each other. A merchant could notmarry a daughter of a nobleman and a nobleman could not marry a princess. Slaves andordinary people could not mix with the noblemen as well. But Muhammad (s), the Prophetof Islam offered people a perfect and applicable religion that responded to the subjectsof theological matters, social justice, economic affairs, equality and the rights of womenin general and in detail. It was rumored that there was a drought in Mecca and thatMuhammad (s) went to his uncles Abbas and Hamzah with a proposal. He said to them,“Look, your brother Abu-Talib has a big family. Let us go to him and ask him to permit usadopting some of his children.” Finally Ja’far and Talib were adopted by Hamzah andAbbas whereas Ali (s) was brought up under the care of Mohammad when he was at theage of six. In this manner the foundation of the moral and spiritual education of thisintelligent child was based near the Prophet of Islam, the greatest educator of mankind.His mental faculties was to that extent that he believed in the Prophet at the age of 8,therefore he, on the contrary of the other companions of the Prophet, had neverworshipped idols and never shared in unreasonable demands, oppressive treatmentsand unfair acts of chieftains. A new religion with its rule of equity and brotherly love cameseverely in contact with the previous customs. The unbelievers closed all the doors of

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