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Page 11 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamhigh qualities like honesty, chastity, truthfulness, abiding by one's word, steadfastnessand generosity. It is an undeniable fact that people usually prefer morality to vastness ofknowledge because so many big cities were destroyed by the command of educatedgenerals (educated in the European universities) especially during the Second World War.When we inquire into the biographies of some great men and leaders we come acrossmuch sincerity, self-sacrifice and purity that will be pleasing to us. It can safely be saidthat the continuance and duration of the world is indebted to the devotion of Socrates,the philosopher of ancient Greece, who drank water of hemlock to show his astrayfellow-citizens the unreliability of the material things and to prove the eternity of the soulfor ever. Jesus Christ used to have a piece of dried bread and to rest on the floor to keephimself pure from implications of the world and also to show the Jews the instability ofluxuries. Many people, trying to achieve their goals, are concerned with materiality andunessential things. They usually plan to earn money as much as possible. They often areintolerant of justice and they try to rob people of their rights, in spite of the fact that thematerial things are destructible and unreliable. Now all crimes and murders, which occurfrequently allover the world are arisen from Mammonism and unlawful abuses. It is muchunpleasant when we study the pitiful situation of many injured nations, who were ruledby some unjust rulers, so that their natural resources and the products of their laborswere looted by foreign exploiters and in addition to it that their national feelings were also.trampled upon. Unfortunately those customs linger in many places of the worldADVENT OF ISLAM AND THE ROLE OF IMAM ALIADVENT OF ISLAM AND THE ROLE OF IMAM ALIhe matter in hand is about Imam Ali, whose life was closely bound up with the first age ofthe history of Islam. All the necessary conditions gathered together and consequentlymade him a prodigy of learning. He, who wishes to know and understand Islam, has to befamiliar with Imam Ali’s particulars because he was really the mirror, the echo and alsothe voice of Islam. His every word and deed was quite in accordance to the Holy Qur’an'sinjunctions. It is likely that many of the readers know a little about Islam, therefore I haveto give them an account of a short history about it with the intent of making themacquainted with Imam Ali. Then I shall explain some of his characteristics and to showyou how he resisted difficulties and how he stood against unjust discriminations and

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