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Page 103 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.com(About Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (SIslamic countries are greatly recommended to unite with each other as the Holy Qur’ansays: (And hold fast by the covenant of Allah together and be not disunited) 3:103. TheMuslim countries have to suffice their needs themselves as far as possible so thatwhenever an enemy made an attack against one of them, the other Muslim countries cancut off the political and economical ties with the aggressive enemy. All of us must knowthat the only way of protecting our independence and regaining our initial glory is to be.united and to follow the principles of the civilized IslamREFERENCE BOOKSThe Holy Qur’an. Nahj al-Balaghah (the sermons, letters and sayings of Imam Ali (s)).Shabhay Pishawar, speeches of Sultan al-Wa’izeen ash-Shirazi. Forough Abadiyyat:written by Jaafar Sobhani. Marde-na-Motanahi (the infinite man) written by Hasan Sadr.Esfahani(About Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (Swww.Ghadirestan.com

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