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Page 100 of 104Kosar ghadirestan Center Nabi (S) www.ghadirestan.comIMAM ALI (S) Sunshine of Civilized Islamwas based on creating discords and splitting among the people of the backwardcountries. Those political conspiracies led those people to live in poverty. The new rising,which is going to be powerful throughout the Islamic countries and to be active again, isreally a great rising especially in Iran. It is inspired from the past experience. All thematerial and ideal powers are prepared for its advancement. Therefore it is clear that thislively rising can easily perform the same miracles that Islam did at its first days to uprootthe corruptions of today. Islam can order the individual and social requirements of peoplethat no one may violate the others’ and no race may oppress another race or a nationmay overcome other nations. Islam can prevent quarrels and disputes. Islam invitesevery one to compromise and mutual assistance for the sake of man's welfare. Manydemonstrations formed in some of the Islamic countries in favor of the mentioned rising.It indicated that the people really wanted an Islamic government but unfortunately theywere suppressed by their rulers cruelly. Certainly the colonial countries had a hand inthese problems. Now there is a fanatic war against Islam and its philosophy allover theworld. Some rulers of the Islamic countries, who commit treasons against their countries,are really more dangerous than the foreigners and they support the colonial policies.knowingly or unknowingly.Sham is the old name of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine [1].A kind of thorny plants of Arabia [2].It was mentioned by at-Tabari in his Tareekh [3].(The free non-Muslims, who live under the Islamic rule by paying jizya (tribute [4].Here Imam Ali meant fortune-telling or divination and not astronomy [5]?HOW AND BY WHICH WAY CAN WE REACH THE TRUTH OF ISLAMImam Ali (s) wrote in his will to Imam Hasan: “O my son, know that ... (if you do not like tofollow your ancestors and virtuous people), first you have to search the truth by the wayof understanding and perceiving so that you do not fall into doubts or become involved indisputes...” Nowadays man has progressed in the field of science vastly and is able tothink over the whole social problems. On the other hand we understand from the historythe cause of the decline of a great civilization by a small one and for what reason a smallnation can obtain a victory over a great nation. We can say that the real cause is believingin the goal and steadfastness in the belief. Now the world is in the same situation that theMuslims were facing at the beginning of Islam. They confronted many widespread

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