001 IPCO 2,4-D Amine 600-E Jan 01, 2012 - Interprovincial ...

001 IPCO 2,4-D Amine 600-E Jan 01, 2012 - Interprovincial ...

001 IPCO 2,4-D Amine 600-E Jan 01, 2012 - Interprovincial ...


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<strong>Interprovincial</strong> Cooperative Limited2, 4-D AMINE <strong>600</strong> MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET1: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct Name: 2, 4-D <strong>Amine</strong> <strong>600</strong>*Product Use:Phenoxy (Broadleaf) HerbicideProduct Number: 17511Manufacturer /Supplier:INTERPROVINCIAL COOPERATIVE LTD.945 Marion St.Winnipeg, ManitobaR2J 0K7 www.ipco.caEffective Date: <strong>Jan</strong>uary <strong>01</strong>/2<strong>01</strong>22: HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONThis product is regulated under authority of the Pest Control Products ActEffects of Overexposure:Route of Exposure:InhalationEye ContactSkin ContactIngestionInhalation, eye contact, skin contact, ingestion.A single exposure to vapors is not likely to be hazardous.May cause severe irritation with corneal injury, which may result in permanent impairmentof vision, even blindness.May cause skin irritation.Moderately toxic; May cause gastrointestinal irritation and ulceration3: COMPOSITION AND INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCOMPONENT CAS NUMBER % (W/W)(2, 4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid, 2008-39-1 81.64 – 86.70DimethylamineOther ingredients 23.30 – 28.56Ingredients not listed are proprietary or non-hazardous4: FIRST AID MEASURESInhalation:Ingestion:Move victim to fresh air. Give artificial respiration ONLY if breathing has stopped. Givecardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if there is no breathing AND no pulse. Obtainmedical attention IMMEDIATELY.If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately by giving two glasses of water and stickingfinger down throat. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Skin: Flush skin with running water, and then continue flushing with running water for 5 - 10minutes. Start flushing while removing contaminated clothing. If irritation persists, repeatflushing. Obtain medical attention IMMEDIATELY.Eyes:Emergency Medical Care:In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for 5 - 10 minutes and getmedical attention.Treatment based on judgment of the physician in response to reaction of the patient.There is no specific antidote.In case of emergency call CANUTEC at 613-885-6666<strong>Interprovincial</strong> Cooperative Ltd.; Information Phone: 204-233-3461Effective Date:<strong>01</strong>-<strong>Jan</strong>-2<strong>01</strong>2MSDS # <strong>0<strong>01</strong></strong> PCP# 17511 Page 1 of 4

2, 4-D AMINE <strong>600</strong> MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET5: FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESUnusual Fire &Explosion Hazards:Extinguishing Media:Special Oxidizing MaterialHazards:Hazardous CombustionProducts:Special Fire FightingProcedures:Noxious fumes may be formed under fire conditions. Contain water from fire fighting toprevent entry into water supplies.Carbon Dioxide, Foam, Water Fog, and Dry Chemical. (But not SODA DRY POWDER)Not EstablishedNoxious (HCl & <strong>Amine</strong>s) fumes under fire conditions.Use water spray to cool fire exposed containers or structures. Use self-containedbreathing apparatus and protective clothing.6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES7: HANDLING AND STORAGE8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTIONIn case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance withapplicable regulations.Store in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep away from heat, sparks and filling ofcontainers. Keep away from children; prevent contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Donot store near fertilizers, foodstuffs, seed, insecticides or fungicides.Do not contaminate irrigation ditches or domestic water supplies. If this happens notifypolice and local authorities.Exposure Limits:(2, 4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid, dimethylamineLD50-ORAL:300 mg/kg RatLD50-DERMAL:> 2000 mg/kg RabbitT.L.V. (ACGIH):10 mg/m 3 (2, 4-D Acid)LC50:Not EstablishedSpecial Engineering Controls: Local exhaust ventilation required.Eye Protection:CSA approved safety glasses with side shields or goggles.Respiratory Protection: No respiratory protection needed unless mist generated, then a NIOSH/MSHA toxic mistmask suggested.Hand and Arm:PVC or rubber gloves.Feet:Rubber boots.Body:Coveralls.Other Personal Protection: Recommendations listed above indicate the type of equipment which will provideprotection against overexposure to this product. Conditions of use, adequacy ofengineering or other control measures, and actual exposures will dictate the need forspecific protective devices at your workplace.9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State:LiquidAppearance & Odour: Brown, Fishy OdourSpecific Gravity: (@ 20 0 c): 1.1930Vapour density:Not EstablishedSolubility in water:MiscibleIn case of emergency call CANUTEC at 613-885-6666<strong>Interprovincial</strong> Cooperative Ltd Information Phone: 204-233-3461Effective Date:<strong>01</strong>-<strong>Jan</strong>-2<strong>01</strong>2MSDS # <strong>0<strong>01</strong></strong> PCP# 17511 Page 2 of 4

2, 4-D AMINE <strong>600</strong> MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETSolubility in liquids:Not EstablishedFreezing point:- 3 0 c% volatile by volume: Not ApplicableBoiling point:100 0 cOdour threshold (ppm): Not EstablishedCoefficient ofwater/oil distribution:Not ApplicableVapour pressure:Not EstablishedEvaporation rate:Not EstablishedpH: 8.1 - 8.5Viscosity: 34.4 cps at 20°CFlash Point & Method: ( 0 C): > 100 (Tag Closed Cup)Flammable Limits (% in air): Lower: Not ApplicableUpper: Not ApplicableAutoignition Temperature Not Applicable10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITYDecomposition Temp:Stability:Materials to Avoid:Hazardous DecompositionProducts:Hazardous Polymerizationor Condensation:Conditions to Avoid:Not EstablishedStable under normal conditions.Acids, oxidizing agentsHydrogen Chloride and nitrogen oxides may be formed under fire conditionsWill not occur.Elevated temperatures, product may boil then burn.11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONSkin Absorption: Acute dermal LD50 (Rat) >5000 mg/kg.Ingestion: Acute oralLD50 (rat) 635 mg/kg.Inhalation: LC50 Not EstablishedChronic Health Hazards:Chronic Effects/Carcinogenicity:Reproductive Toxicity:Developmental ToxicityGenotoxicty:12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONExcessive exposure may cause liver, kidney, gastrointestinal and muscle effects. Signsand symptoms of excessive exposure may be nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps anddiarrhea.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) lists exposure tochlorophenoxy herbicides as a class 2B carcinogen, the category for limited evidence forcarcinogenicity in humans. However, more current 2, 4-D lifetime feeding studies in ratsand mice did not show carcinogenic potential.No impairment of reproductive function attributable to 2, 4-D has been noted in laboratoryanimal studies.Studies in laboratory animals with 2, 4-D have shown decreased fetal body weights anddelayed development in the offspring at doses toxic to mother animals.There have been some positive and some negative studies, but the weight of evidence isthat 2, 4-D is not mutagenic.Data on 2, 4-D DMA:96-Hour LC50 (mg/L): 250 (Rainbow Trout)96-Hour LC50 (mg/L): 524 (Bluegill)48-Hour EC50 (mg/L): 184 (Daphnia)Oral LD50 (mg/kg): 500 (Bobwhite Quail)Dietary LC50 (ppm): > 5620 (Mallard Duck)In case of emergency call CANUTEC at 613-885-6666<strong>Interprovincial</strong> Cooperative Ltd Information Phone: 204-233-3461Effective Date:<strong>01</strong>-<strong>Jan</strong>-2<strong>01</strong>2MSDS # <strong>0<strong>01</strong></strong> PCP# 17511 Page 3 of 4

2, 4-D AMINE <strong>600</strong> MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS14: TRANSPORT INFORMATION15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONPest Control Products ActRegistration Number: 17511For Information Phone: 204-233-3461MSDS Status/Revised Sections:Replaces MSDS Dated: September <strong>01</strong>, 200916: OTHER INFORMATIONChemical Fate Information: In laboratory and field studies, 2, 4-D DMA salt rapidlydissociated to parent acid. The typical half-life of the resultant 2, 4-D acid ranged from afew days to a few weeksDispose of waste materials in an approved incinerator or waste treatment/disposal facilityin accordance with applicable regulations. Do not dispose of wastes in local sewer or withnormal waste.This product is Not Regulated under regulations of the Transport of Dangerous GoodsAct.WHMIS Ratings:Notice:D2BThe enclosed information is supplied as a customer service and is provided in good faith.Although it has been based on data drawn from sources deemed to be reliable, <strong>IPCO</strong>cannot guarantee its accuracy and assumes no responsibility for conditions resultingfrom its use.In case of emergency call CANUTEC at 613-885-6666<strong>Interprovincial</strong> Cooperative Ltd Information Phone: 204-233-3461Effective Date:<strong>01</strong>-<strong>Jan</strong>-2<strong>01</strong>2MSDS # <strong>0<strong>01</strong></strong> PCP# 17511 Page 4 of 4

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