American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) - A Great American Tree ...

American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) - A Great American Tree ... American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) - A Great American Tree ...


Beech family (Fagaceae) : Beech (Fagus) and Oak(Quercus) and Chestnut (Castanea)1. Chinese – Castanea mollissima2. Japanese – Castanea crenata3. European – Castanea sativa4. AmericanCastanea dentata• Four other Castanea species – chinquapins in North America• Many can hybridizeChestnut Classification

Evolutionary Migration Pathway – Castanea•Chloroplast DNA sequences suggest a common Castanea ancestor originatedin Laurasia about 40 – 60 million years ago. C. dentata probably diverged from C.sativa in the late Eocene epoch – approximately 35 million years ago.

Evolutionary Migration Pathway – <strong>Castanea</strong>•Chloroplast DNA sequences suggest a common <strong>Castanea</strong> ancestor originatedin Laurasia about 40 – 60 million years ago. C. <strong>dentata</strong> probably diverged from C.sativa in the late Eocene epoch – approximately 35 million years ago.

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