The ever green - National Library of Scotland

The ever green - National Library of Scotland The ever green - National Library of Scotland


44 ^* Dumbars Lregy.To eat Cran, Pertrick,Swan and Pliver;And every Fifch that fwyms in River,To drink with us the new frefch WyncThat grew upon the River Ryne,Frefch fragrant Claritsout of France,Of Anglers and of Orliance,With mony Comforts of grit Dainty,Say ze Amen yfor Charity.Rejponfum, tu autem Dom.God and Sand Jeil heirzou convoyBaith fune and weil, G o d and Sand JeihTo Sonce and Seil,Solace and Joy,God and Sand Jeil heirzou convoy,Out of Stirvlings Pains fell,In Ed'mbrugh Joy fune mot ze dwell.LECTIOIII.We pray to all the Saints in Heaven,That ar abune the Starns feven,Zou to bring out of zour Penance,Jhat ze may fune fing, play and daunce

1 InInto the Blefs that we ar in jQiihilkDumbars Dregy.In Edinbrugh heir, and mak gude Cheir,4jfQuher Wealth and Weilfare is bot Weir 5And I that do zour Pains difcryveIntend to vifly zou belyve,Defart not with zou to dwell,But asthe Angel Saint GabrlellDois go betwein, frae Heavens Glory,To them that ar in Purgatory,Sum Confolation them togive,Quhyle they in Tribulation live,And fchaw them, quhen thair Pains ar paft,They fall cum up to Heaven at lad 5Hou nane deferves to haif Sweitnefs,That nevir taftit Bittcrnefs;And therfor hou fuldOf Edinbrughs Blefs,ze confidderquhen zou cum hidder:But gif ze taftithad befoirOf Stirvllng Toun, the Pains foir,And therfore tak in PatienceZour Penance and zour Abftinence,And ze fallcum or Zuk begin

1 InInto the Blefs that we ar in jQiihilkDumbars Dregy.In Edinbrugh heir, and mak gude Cheir,4jfQuher Wealth and Weilfare is bot Weir 5And I that do zour Pains difcryveIntend to vifly zou belyve,Defart not with zou to dwell,But asthe Angel Saint GabrlellDois go betwein, frae Heavens Glory,To them that ar in Purgatory,Sum Confolation them togive,Quhyle they in Tribulation live,And fchaw them, quhen thair Pains ar paft,<strong>The</strong>y fall cum up to Heaven at lad 5Hou nane deferves to haif Sweitnefs,That nevir taftit Bittcrnefs;And therfor hou fuldOf Edinbrughs Blefs,ze confidderquhen zou cum hidder:But gif ze taftithad befoirOf Stirvllng Toun, the Pains foir,And therfore tak in PatienceZour Penance and zour Abftinence,And ze fallcum or Zuk begin

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