Introduction - HKU Libraries - The University of Hong Kong

Introduction - HKU Libraries - The University of Hong Kong

Introduction - HKU Libraries - The University of Hong Kong


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1<strong>Introduction</strong>1.1 In April 1995, the Office <strong>of</strong> the Commissioner forAdministrative Complaints (OCAC) published a report on a directinvestigation under Section 7(l)(b) <strong>of</strong> the Commissioner forAdministrative Complaints (COMAC) Ordinance (Cap. 397) on theBuildings Department's (BD's) enforcement action againstunauthorised building works (UBW). In the report, COMAC hadexpressed concern on the existence <strong>of</strong> UBW in village houses inthe New Territories (NT) and suggested that appropriate andeffective measures should be taken by the Lands Department (LandsD) and the BD to prevent the recurrence <strong>of</strong> the UBW problem inmulti-storey buildings in NT village houses.1.2 COMAC's primary concern is that there are prima facieevidence that the problems <strong>of</strong> UBW in village houses in the NTare proliferating and becoming more serious and that theenforcement actions taken by the Lands D and the BD against themappear inadequate and ineffective* COMAC thus decided to conducta direct investigation on the enforcement procedures and actionsagainst UBW in NT exempted houses (NTEHs) under Section 7(1) (b)<strong>of</strong> the COMAC Ordinance.PURPOSE AND AMBIT OF THE INVESTIGATION1.3 <strong>The</strong> main purpose <strong>of</strong> the investigation is to study theprocedures and actions <strong>of</strong> the District Lands Offices (DLOs) <strong>of</strong>the Lands D in the enforcement <strong>of</strong> UBW in NTEHs with a view toestablishing if -(a) the existing procedures are adequate andeffective; and(b)they are being carried out consistently by theDLOs.1.4 <strong>The</strong> investigation focused on the following issues inrespect <strong>of</strong> UBW in NTEHs .-(a)Policy, conditions and procedures for approving

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