Introduction - HKU Libraries - The University of Hong Kong

Introduction - HKU Libraries - The University of Hong Kong

Introduction - HKU Libraries - The University of Hong Kong


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owner's solicitors and <strong>of</strong> course, the DLO/Tai Po and other LandsD staff. An enormous amount <strong>of</strong> correspondence were exchanged andthe case in point took three years to complete. <strong>The</strong> opposingowner finally rectified the breaches to DLO/Tai Po's satisfactionand paid a penalty before the Consent Order was issued to cancelthe re-entry. This illustrates how re-entry actions, althougheffective, can be time-consuming and resource intensive.TOLERATION OF BREACHES OF LEASE CONDITIONS3.10 ^ In respect <strong>of</strong> minor breach(es) <strong>of</strong> developmentconditions contained in small house grants,, or example, minorinfractions <strong>of</strong> the built-over area or height, slightly excessivewidth <strong>of</strong> overhang etc., Lands D can exercise its power under thelease conditions and impose penalty fines. <strong>The</strong> DLOCs areauthorised to make decisions to tolerate such UBW and impose suchpenalties. <strong>The</strong> membership and terms <strong>of</strong> reference <strong>of</strong> the DLOC isreproduced at Annex II. <strong>The</strong> DLOC will first consider whether thebreach (es) in question can be tolerated or whether leaseenforcement action would be more appropriate. Should the DLOCdecide to tolerate the breach(es) , a penalty will be imposed onthe owner. <strong>The</strong> level <strong>of</strong> the penalty is dependent on the extent<strong>of</strong> the breach(es). For breaches <strong>of</strong> a minor nature, for example,minor infractions <strong>of</strong> the built-over area or height <strong>of</strong> thebuilding or a slightly excessive stairhood or balcony, a standardpenalty fine for each type <strong>of</strong> breach which ranges from $4 600 to$45 500 depending on the extent <strong>of</strong> the breach (es) , is payableonce for the lifetime <strong>of</strong> the building. For more extensivebreaches where a direct assessment is possible, such as excessivero<strong>of</strong>ed-over area, the level <strong>of</strong> penalty is assessed on the basis<strong>of</strong> buying back the excess accommodation. Where no directassessment is possible, the level <strong>of</strong> penalty is at the discretion<strong>of</strong> the DLOC. Such penalty is not intended to be a premium fora modification <strong>of</strong> the Conditions <strong>of</strong> Grant <strong>of</strong> the lot but a feein respect <strong>of</strong> the Government's forbearance to take action for thelifetime <strong>of</strong> that particular building.3.11 As a rule, criteria and guidelines for toleration arenot published although the public and villagers may already haverough ideas <strong>of</strong> them through enquiries with the Rural Committee(RC) concerned or through contacts with parties previouslyaffected by enforcement actions. <strong>The</strong> reasons for not publishingthese criteria and guidelines are obvious. Apart from thepossibility <strong>of</strong> misleading the public that such irregularities orbreaches will "automatically be legalised" upon payment <strong>of</strong> thefine as a matter <strong>of</strong> right, there is the added danger <strong>of</strong> thepublic being encouraged to commit such breaches.ENFORCEMENT APPROACH3.12 <strong>The</strong> Lands D does not have comprehensive details to*- 14 -

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