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Universidad de Especialidades TurísticasUCTNew alternatives of Tourism in TungurahuaProvinceAmazing Tungurahua2 Days / 1 Night3 Passengers from Japan45 years average agePrepared by Franklin ViñansacaTeacher: Dr. Pablo LeonNational Tourist GuideQuito, April / 2010

<strong>Universidad</strong> <strong>de</strong> Especialida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>Turísticas</strong><strong>UCT</strong><strong>New</strong> <strong>alternatives</strong> <strong>of</strong> Tourism in TungurahuaProvinceAmazing Tungurahua2 Days / 1 Night3 Passengers from Japan45 years average agePrepared by Franklin ViñansacaTeacher: Dr. Pablo LeonNational Tourist Gui<strong>de</strong>Quito, April / 2010

DEDICATIONSI <strong>de</strong>dicate my work to my family, who supported me during all the time incollege.To my father because with his great effort since the beginning <strong>of</strong> my studiesand so far, has ma<strong>de</strong> this was possible in my life, thanks for all that love andcomprehension you gave me.To my mother who gave me love, advice and showed me in every stage <strong>of</strong> lifethe right way to reach my dreams.To my sisters Monica and Jennifer; my brother Pablo; Who helped me tocomplete this job; my uncle Fausto and all my family; thanks because youencouraged me all the time.Franklin Medardo Viñansaca1

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would like to express my gratitu<strong>de</strong> to my supervisor, Dr. Pablo Leon, whoseexpertise, un<strong>de</strong>rstanding, and patience, ad<strong>de</strong>d consi<strong>de</strong>rably to my trip. Iappreciate his vast knowledge and skill in many areas.I must also thank all the teachers, whose knowledge, motivation an<strong>de</strong>ncouragement they shared with me, for the valuable advice that became me agood lea<strong>de</strong>r, a tourist gui<strong>de</strong>. I doubt that I will ever be able to convey myappreciation fully, but I owe them my eternal gratitu<strong>de</strong>.Very special thanks goes out to Mr. Alonso Pilla and his family from theSalasaca Community for taking time out from his busy schedule to share hisKnowledge and his house during the tour.I would also like to thank my family for the support they provi<strong>de</strong>d me throughmy entire life and in particular, I must acknowledge my father and mentor,Medardo; my mother and best friend, Patricia, without whose love,encouragement and financial assistance, I would not have finished this tour.2

INTROD<strong>UCT</strong>IONEcuador contains within its bor<strong>de</strong>rs an improbable variety <strong>of</strong> landscapeand culture, is one <strong>of</strong> the most beautiful, privileged countries in the word. Thisis a curious country that has numerous appeals, its strong natural seduction inwhich we can emphasize a series <strong>of</strong> volcanoes and mountains that surroundand guard from up high.After I conclu<strong>de</strong>d my studies, It arrives the hour to <strong>de</strong>monstrate all the capacityI have learned, to be a gui<strong>de</strong>. All the work was elaborated during one month, inwhich the <strong>de</strong>velopment and operation <strong>of</strong> the itinerary should be coordinated.I had to put on approval all the knowledge I have learned in two days. The<strong>de</strong>stination was Tungurahua province. From Quito capital <strong>of</strong> Ecuador, webegan the trip, in direction to the south through the route in which The Germanscientist Alexan<strong>de</strong>r Von Humboldt named it as volcano highway, owing to thelandscapes and all the volcanoes that surround this zone.It is located in between northern and central mountain range. From the mainhighway it is possible to enjoy amazing landscapes, its volcanoes such as GuagaPichincha, Rucu Pichincha, Atacazo, Corazón, Pasochoa, Sincholagua, and3

Antisana and also at the southern part <strong>of</strong> this zone it is possible to see thebeautiful Tungurahua and Chimborazo volcanoes. These attractions and moremake this country unique and awesome.There is a net <strong>of</strong> paths, routes and sub-routes that allow us to discovercommunities and attractions, settled along each <strong>of</strong> them, which show us a hugenumber <strong>of</strong> attractions that appear during the trip with cities such as Quito,Tambillo, Machachi, Latacunga, Salcedo, Ambato, Pelileo, and Baños and so on.The tour began in Quito on April 24 th 2010, after going by some cities andfollowing the main route, we could see the Cutuchi and Patate rivers.We had some activities in the itinerary, the first day we visited an indigenousmarket in Latacunga city, then we continued until Ambato city where we hadthe lunch, then we visited the Salasaca community where we had a walk <strong>of</strong>approximately one hour, later we visited a workshop, their handcrafts and wevisited a local Shaman, where we had an extraordinary experience.The second day it awaited and it was time <strong>of</strong> having another vision <strong>of</strong> theprovince, we continued until Pelileo where we visited a market that is famous4

for its production, the blue jean, and then following the Patate River we arrivedto the city <strong>of</strong> Baños.In this beautiful and amazing place we had the opportunity to enjoy the baño<strong>de</strong> cajon (steam bath), spell in a hot steamy room followed by a plunge into coldwater or a light brushing with birch or cedar boughs, and finally we returned toQuito.5

DEVELOPMENTJUSTIFICATIONBefore selecting the main itinerary, I analyzed the tour and studied the differentcharacteristics that the tourist has; such as: nationality, age and the tourmotivation then I had to recognize the Tungurahua province, first, searchinginformation about all the beautiful places that this province has, locating in themap, reading about its history then selecting all the best opinion, before this Ihad to take into account that in my tour I have 3 tourists from Japan, theaverage in the age was 45.In Tungurahua province I began to visit the indigenous communities, I startedto look for new <strong>alternatives</strong> and I traveled around the province, looking for acommunity but it was so difficult because the communities are distant andwhen I arrived all the people were working in their lands, or they traveled tothe cities to sell their products.I traveled to Patate, a valley located after Pelileo city, two and half hours fromQuito, because I thought one <strong>of</strong> the good options could be to visit an Hacienda,but, when I was visiting the zone I found a community called Salasaca.6

I prepare three different itineraries, from which I chose the one that I namedAmazing Tungurahua.In the itinerary I chose, I inclu<strong>de</strong>d this interesting place, because I couldappreciate all its beauty, with its landscapes, customs, traditions and adventure.The first time I visited Salasaca community I was impressed, especially becauseI met a man, Alonso Pilla, who is working with his family in a touristic projectin the zone, he is improving this place, specially trying to show his community,his tradition and his knowledge, at the same time he is trying to involve all thecommunity in this big project; I think it is very important because He isworking for his people. Then he invited me to visit his house where he is tryingto set up a lodge with typical <strong>de</strong>corations.For me it was perfect because, at that time, I realized that it could be a greatexperience for my passengers, and I <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to work in this project.I think this is the best itinerary from three, because the Japanese tourists like toshare with the communities, they like to know how communities live or whatthey do, and they like to know how indigenous ma<strong>de</strong> their clothes because incommunity the loom is an activity that they do in an individual way, also theJapanese tourists like to visit communities that keep their believes, their clothes,their customs.Japanese tourists like to enjoy the different activities and the most they like isthe flora with beautiful landscapes, especially in this area the hot spot for the7

American is the Volcanoes Avenue, the photography also is one <strong>of</strong> the thingsthat they enjoy doing.They also like to walk and the trip to the Salasaca workshop is the best, therethey could have entertainment with handicrafts.I consi<strong>de</strong>red the basic services for my tourists, and Alonso`s lodge was a goodoption because it is a typical place with all the comfort that the tourists need,with a beautiful landscape, with the sharing work <strong>of</strong> the community.According to the expectative <strong>of</strong> my tourists, I organized a visit <strong>of</strong> a localShaman, who ma<strong>de</strong> a performance about a healing and taught us about theirbelief.The first day we had Ecuadorian typical food; in the lunch we enjoyed thetypical Cuy (Guinea pig) with potatoes; for dinner In Alonso`s house we hadsoup <strong>of</strong> quinoa.According to the motivation and to the age <strong>of</strong> the passengers, the <strong>de</strong>stinationfor the second day was the city <strong>of</strong> Baños, where we could find a huge range <strong>of</strong>places and attractions.In this place we visited a spa, where tourists could relax and enjoy the baño <strong>de</strong>cajon (steam bath), this is a hot steamy box followed by a plunge into coldwater, and this was a time for relaxing.8

ITINERARYDAY 18h008h00 – 9h309h30 – 10h0010h30 – 12h3012h30 – 13h3013h30 – 14h4514h45 – 15h0015h00 – 18h0018h00 – 19h3020h00Pick upTrip through Avenue <strong>of</strong> the VolcanoesVisit Latacunga MarketTrip to AmbatoLunchTrip to Salasaca Hostal Runa HuasiRooming listVisit Salasaca workshop (2h30 aprox)Ritual - shamán (1h aprox)DinnerDAY 28h00 – 9h009h30 – 10h3010h30 – 12h3012h30 – 13h3013h30 – 17h3017h30BreakfastTrip to Bañosbaño <strong>de</strong> cajon (steam bath)LunchReturn to QuitoArrival9

ACTIVITIES DURING THE TOURIn general the itinerary was completed according to the plan; I did not have anyoperation or coordination problem, but after accomplishing the itinerary, I havesome annotations that I <strong>de</strong>scribe per day.DAY 1The tour started at 08:00, I traveled with three teachers, during the first hours Ifelt nervous, but as time passed I felt trusted and in certain point supported bythe thesis tribunal.In Latacunga We had the first stop, where I had a setback in the itinerary, it wasabout 20 minutes but this did not have any repercussion in the attainment <strong>of</strong> thetour. Then we arrived to Ambato at 12:40 a.m. as I had planned to have the<strong>de</strong>licious and traditional lunch, the Cuy (Guinea pig), potatoes and avocado,after the lunch we continued until Salasaca Community.The first day was very important because I learned from my teachers, all theadvice and knowledge specially information about flora, and at the same timethey helped me to grow pr<strong>of</strong>essionally.10

DAY 2In this day there was a change in the itinerary, because we should have visitedthe market for jeans in Pelileo, yet we head for the city <strong>of</strong> Baños, this changewas <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d by all members <strong>of</strong> the dissertation.We arrived at 10h10, We walked toward the central park, then we visited thechurch <strong>of</strong> our Lady <strong>of</strong> Baños <strong>de</strong> Agua Santa, because it is characterized byreligiosity in the town, during this time we learned his customs and traditions.Then we went to the Spa, and it was a really good experience, because it was adifferent activity where my tourists relaxed.I think it is important tourists felt comfortable, happy and they enjoyed theentire trip.At the end <strong>of</strong> the tour I received the final indications and advice from thetribunal, I all the itinerary was accomplished11

CONCLUSIONI consi<strong>de</strong>r that the real guiding is the most important part <strong>of</strong> the studies, it is themoment when you are in front <strong>of</strong> a group and you apply all the knowledge youhave learned. It is important the theory but the real learning is when you livethe real situation.I think the final exam for obtaining the <strong>de</strong>gree as a tourist gui<strong>de</strong>, is the best part<strong>of</strong> the evaluation.12

RECOMMENDATIONTo carry out the itinerary according to that foreseen we should revise andcoordinate with the ten<strong>de</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> services, before and during the activities.We should assimilate all learned during the days <strong>of</strong> evaluation; it is the key forour labour success.13

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