magnetotelluric and transient electromagnetic ... - Orkustofnun

magnetotelluric and transient electromagnetic ... - Orkustofnun magnetotelluric and transient electromagnetic ... - Orkustofnun


Wameyo 432Report 21Elevation (m)2000180016001400NTEM61TEM58TEM284000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000Horizontal distance (m)Resistivity cross-section NS-1 is a north-south bound resistivity cross-section, passing west of thecaldera (Figure 24). It shows a low-resistivity layer sloping down to the north. It is underlain byhigher resistivity except in the far south.Resistivity cross-section NS-2, (Figure 25) crosses the western edge of Menengai caldera and Olrongai hill to the north. The cross-section shows high resistivity at a shallow depth within the calderaand a continuous low-resistivity layer at depth. This low-resistivity cap is shallower to the north, atabout 1800 m a.s.l., and the northern limit is not seen as there is no data farther north of this profile.In the northern part the low resistivity is underlain by higher resistivity, dipping to the south. Wherethe low resistivity is closest to the surface in the northern part, there is fumarole activity along Olrongai hill.Resistivity cross-section NS-3, (Figure 26) passes right through the middle of the caldera and has alow-resistivity cap that opens to the north but slopes down to the south in the northern part of thecaldera (between TEM44 and TEM59). The high-resistive core is deeper (at 1550 m a.s.l.) in thisprofile compared to NS-2 (1650 m a.s.l.), immediately to the west. This shows that a boundary isapproached as we move further east. It is interesting to note the extension of the low-resistivity cap upto the surface in the middle of the caldera, just underneath surface manifestations.Resistivity cross-section NS-4 that also cuts through the caldera on the eastern side (Figure 27) shows athick low-resistivity layer under and north of the caldera (below TEM60) and south (TEM40). Signsof the approaching of a boundary to the east are confirmed by the high-resistivity core below this capthat is at deeper levels (1400 m a.s.l.) when compared to NS-1 and NS-2.TEM11FIGURE 24: TEM resistivity cross-section NS-1Menengai CraterTEM01TEM24High resistivity coreSm184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815123Elevation (m)N2000TEM12TEM05TEM25TEM08TEM28TEM301800160014002000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000Horizontal distance (m)High resistivity coreFIGURE 25: TEM resistivity cross-section NS-2Sm184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815123

Report 21 433 WameyoMenengai CraterElevation (m)N2000180016001400TEM45TEM44TEM59 TEM412000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000TEM51Horizontal distance (m)TEM52TEM56TEM53FIGURE 26: TEM resistivity cross-section NS-3TEM27TEM39SHigh resistivity corem184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815123NMenengai CraterSElevation (m)22002000180016001400TEM17TEM62TEM60TEM18TEM470 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000TEM35Horizontal distance (m)TEM46TEM40FIGURE 27: TEM resistivity cross-section NS-4TEM38TEM04High resistivity corem184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815123Resistivity cross-section NW-SE passes through the caldera and Ol ronga to the northwest (Figure 28)and has a thick low-resistivity layer or cap (TEM38 – TEM51) over a deep high-resistivity core that isseen in the northwest (below TEM61) marking the southeastern margin of the system. The low-Menengai Crater mElevation (m)NW2000180016001400TEM38TEM56TEM33 TEM51TEM46TEM12TEM04TEM43TEM614000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000Horizontal distance (m)High resistivity coreFIGURE 28: TEM resistivity cross-section NW-SESE184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815125

Wameyo 432Report 21Elevation (m)2000180016001400NTEM61TEM58TEM284000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000Horizontal distance (m)Resistivity cross-section NS-1 is a north-south bound resistivity cross-section, passing west of thecaldera (Figure 24). It shows a low-resistivity layer sloping down to the north. It is underlain byhigher resistivity except in the far south.Resistivity cross-section NS-2, (Figure 25) crosses the western edge of Menengai caldera <strong>and</strong> Olrongai hill to the north. The cross-section shows high resistivity at a shallow depth within the caldera<strong>and</strong> a continuous low-resistivity layer at depth. This low-resistivity cap is shallower to the north, atabout 1800 m a.s.l., <strong>and</strong> the northern limit is not seen as there is no data farther north of this profile.In the northern part the low resistivity is underlain by higher resistivity, dipping to the south. Wherethe low resistivity is closest to the surface in the northern part, there is fumarole activity along Olrongai hill.Resistivity cross-section NS-3, (Figure 26) passes right through the middle of the caldera <strong>and</strong> has alow-resistivity cap that opens to the north but slopes down to the south in the northern part of thecaldera (between TEM44 <strong>and</strong> TEM59). The high-resistive core is deeper (at 1550 m a.s.l.) in thisprofile compared to NS-2 (1650 m a.s.l.), immediately to the west. This shows that a boundary isapproached as we move further east. It is interesting to note the extension of the low-resistivity cap upto the surface in the middle of the caldera, just underneath surface manifestations.Resistivity cross-section NS-4 that also cuts through the caldera on the eastern side (Figure 27) shows athick low-resistivity layer under <strong>and</strong> north of the caldera (below TEM60) <strong>and</strong> south (TEM40). Signsof the approaching of a boundary to the east are confirmed by the high-resistivity core below this capthat is at deeper levels (1400 m a.s.l.) when compared to NS-1 <strong>and</strong> NS-2.TEM11FIGURE 24: TEM resistivity cross-section NS-1Menengai CraterTEM01TEM24High resistivity coreSm184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815123Elevation (m)N2000TEM12TEM05TEM25TEM08TEM28TEM301800160014002000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000Horizontal distance (m)High resistivity coreFIGURE 25: TEM resistivity cross-section NS-2Sm184159140122110867164595349454136312723201815123

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