Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo
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CHAPTER ONE1.1 INTRODUCTIONThe Vision 2020 was formulated in response to the socio-economic challenges and other pressingdevelopment issues and the need to provide broad guidance in developing strategic goals ofsocio-economic development in Zanzibar. The agriculture is one of the important sectorsexpected to contribute much in achieving objectives of vision 2020 goals. The three priority goalsidentified in a vision with respect to agriculture sectors are: ensuring basic food security,improving income levels and increasing export earnings. Besides, the current ZSGRP (Strategyfor Growth and Reduction of Poverty) popularly known as MKUZA and MDGs provides amedium term national framework for operationalising Vision 2020. MKUZA recognizes theimportance of Agriculture Sector in reduction of rural poverty in Zanzibar. This Strategy Plan(SP) therefore has been formulated to direct MALE’s effort and serves as guide in allocation ofscarce resource in achieving Ministry’s obligations in various spheres within its mandate.1.2 LAYOUT OF THE DOCUMENTThis document set out the strategic plan for the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock andEnvironment for the period of 2008/2009 to 2010/11 financial years. The document is dividedinto three main chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction, purpose of the SP, the role ofthe Ministry and the methodology used to prepare this plan. Chapter two is comprised of situationanalysis while Chapter three is mainly based on MALE’s vision, mission, objectives, strategiesand targets. This document also contains four annexes. Annex 1 shows objectives, strategies andtargets matrix, Annex 2 list the ongoing programmes/projects, Annex 3 list proposedprojects/programmes to be implemented, and Annex 4 shows the Organization chart of MALE.1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STRATEGIC PLANThis SP will act as an integral part of reduction of poverty particularly in the rural areas. The needfor this version of SP emanates from three main considerations: 1) The strategy is viewed as aninstrument for guiding public and private efforts towards broadly shared sector objectives,specific inputs and outputs and thus provide a basis for action by both the public and privatesectors to meet agreed or specified inputs and outputs in the agricultural sector at all levels. 2)The previous Agriculture Strategic Plan was formulated four years back (2004) therefore it needsreview to take aboard some new development challenges. 3) There was also a need to have SPversion which is in line with national format of SP.1.4 ROLE OF THE MINISTRYThe current structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Environment- Zanzibarreveals that, the Ministry is composed with eight functional departments plus one Cooperation(TRW). However, its principal roles can be broadly categorized into five main groups as follows: to promote the development of Agriculture Sector (rain fed and irrigated agriculture) throughresearch, extension and other production services, to promote the development of Livestock sub-sector, to promote the development of fisheries sub sector,7

to promote sustainable use of terrestrial and aquatic natural resources and environmentalmanagement for the benefit of current and future generations, to promote sustainable development of cooperative sectors.1.5 METHODOLOGY USEDAs is intended to guide and provide a basis for action by both the public and private sectorstowards achieving common objectives there was a need to incorporate concerns of allstakeholders; so as to inculcate the sense of ownership of this SP among the stakeholders.Basically this Strategic Plan was formulated using participatory approaches and therefore itpresents the views of all key stakeholders of Agriculture Sector (crop production, fisheries,livestock, natural resources and environment) in Zanzibar (See Table 1). The actual preparationprocess of this SP went through the following course of action: Review of different MALE’s policies, reports and other related documents. Some of thedocuments that were consulted include: Agriculture Strategic Plan 2004, Agriculture SectorPolicy 2002, Forestry Policy 1995, Fuel Wood Consumption Survey 2003, Irrigation MasterPlan 2003, Food Security Policy and MTEF Budget 2007/2008 Presentation and sharing the draft report with heads of all MALE’s departments and othersenior staff Compilation of the comments and production of draft report Presentation and discussion of the draft report before key stakeholders at consultativemeetings Refining of the draft report, production and submission of the final report to MALE authority.8

to promote sustainable use of terrestrial and aquatic natural resources and environmentalmanagement for the benefit of current and future generations, to promote sustainable development of cooperative sectors.1.5 METHODOLOGY USEDAs is intended to guide and provide a basis for action by both the public and private sectorstowards achieving common objectives there was a need to incorporate concerns of allstakeholders; so as to inculcate the sense of ownership of this SP among the stakeholders.Basically this <strong>Strategic</strong> Plan was formulated using participatory approaches and therefore itpresents the views of all key stakeholders of Agriculture Sector (crop production, fisheries,livestock, natural resources and environment) in Zanzibar (See Table 1). The actual preparationprocess of this SP went through the following course of action: Review of different MALE’s policies, reports and other related documents. Some of thedocuments that were consulted include: Agriculture <strong>Strategic</strong> Plan 2004, Agriculture SectorPolicy 2002, Forestry Policy 1995, Fuel Wood Consumption Survey 2003, Irrigation MasterPlan 2003, Food Security Policy and MTEF Budget 2007/2008 Presentation and sharing the draft report with heads of all MALE’s departments and othersenior staff Compilation of the comments and production of draft report Presentation and discussion of the draft report before key stakeholders at consultativemeetings Refining of the draft report, production and submission of the final report to MALE authority.8

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