Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo
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Annex 1 Objectives Strategies and Targets MatrixObjectives Strategies for the objectives Targets ResponsibleDivision/Unit1. Research,extension andotherproductionrelated supportservicesstrengthened1.1 Rehabilitating researchstations and providefacilities for both onstation and on farmresearch activities1.2 Promoting participatoryand demand drivenapproach in research andservice delivery.1.3 Developing adequateperformance basedincentives package toextension and researchstaff.1.4 Strengthening sustainablemanagement ofpests/parasites anddiseases for both crop andlivestock sub sectors.1.5 Reviewing participatoryagricultural research1.1.1 Research stations and sub-stationsrehabilitated by 2010.1.1.2 Research facilities including laboratoryand field equipment procured and installedby 20091.2.1 Client oriented and participatory researchand extension delivery system adopted by20101.2.2 Three awareness training sessions for bothservice providers and farmers conducted by2009.1.2.3 Five (5) Research and extension staffreceived training annually by 2009.1.2.4 Participation of two staff in researchconferences annually facilitated by 20091.3.1 Performance based incentive packagedesigned, developed and provided by 20091.4.1 IPPM approach in managing pest anddiseases fully adopted by 20091.5.1 Agricultural research master plan reviewedby 2008CARECARECARE & DPPKey PerformanceIndicatorsNumbers of research stationrehabilitatedNo. of levorotatory and fieldequipments procuredNo. of levorotatory and fieldequipments installedNo. of participatory researchConducted.No. of training sessionsconductedNo. of Research and Ext.Staff trainedNo. of staff participated inResearch conferences.Performance based incentivepackage documentNo. of staff receivedPerformance incentivepackageCARE No. of farmers receivedtraining on IPPMNo. of farmer groupsadopting IPPMCAREAgricultural research masterplan reviewed document29

master plan;1.6 Developing extensionvision to guide theimplementation ofeffective extensionservice delivery1.7 Designing and developinga sustainable agronomicand other packagesaffordable to small-holderfarmers includingpromotion of croplivestock integration1.8 Adopting the use of animalpower in farm work.1.9 Advocating for privatepublic sector participationin provision of researchand extension services.1.10 Promotingsustainable credit servicedelivery to smallholders.1.6.1 Extension vision developed by the end of2008.1.7.1 Appropriate agronomic packages developedparticipatorily and distributed to farmers forapplication by 20091.7.2 An inventory of agriculture research reportsprepared and documented by 20091.8.1 Short term trainings on the use of animalpower to farm work conducted to twenty (20)extension workers in every district by 2010.1.8.2 Two fully equipped oxenization centersestablished by 2010.1.9.1 Two forums organized for both private and publicservice providers per year per district by 20091.9.2 One stakeholder workshop conducted annuallyby 2009 in every district to foster effectiveparticipation of NGOs and Farmer organizations.1.10.1 The credit needs/ demand assessment inagriculture and rural sector conducted by 20091.10.2 Credit guarantees schemes developed by2010.CARE& DPPCARECARE&DLDCARE& DPPDPPExtension vision documentNo. of agronomic packagesdevelopedNo. of developed agronomicpackages distributed tofarmersNo. of Extension officetrained on the use of animalpower.No. of oxenization centersestablished.No. equipment at the OxcentersNo. of forum conducted perdistrict.No. of stakeholders w/shopconducted per district per year.Credit need AssessmentreportCredit guarantees schemes inplace2. Artisanaland deep seafisheries in a2.1 Upgrading professionalknowledge of the fisheriessector.2.1.1Research trainings for three (3) staffs offeredby 2010.CARENo. research staff trainedNo. of staff participate in30

Annex 1 Objectives Strategies and Targets MatrixObjectives Strategies for the objectives Targets ResponsibleDivision/Unit1. Research,extension andotherproductionrelated supportservicesstrengthened1.1 Rehabilitating researchstations and providefacilities for both onstation and on farmresearch activities1.2 Promoting participatoryand demand drivenapproach in research andservice delivery.1.3 Developing adequateperformance basedincentives package toextension and researchstaff.1.4 Strengthening sustainablemanagement ofpests/parasites anddiseases for both crop andlivestock sub sectors.1.5 Reviewing participatoryagricultural research1.1.1 Research stations and sub-stationsrehabilitated by 2010.1.1.2 Research facilities including laboratoryand field equipment procured and installedby 20091.2.1 Client oriented and participatory researchand extension delivery system adopted by20101.2.2 Three awareness training sessions for bothservice providers and farmers conducted by2009.1.2.3 Five (5) Research and extension staffreceived training annually by 2009.1.2.4 Participation of two staff in researchconferences annually facilitated by 20091.3.1 Performance based incentive packagedesigned, developed and provided by 20091.4.1 IPPM approach in managing pest anddiseases fully adopted by 20091.5.1 <strong>Agricultural</strong> research master <strong>plan</strong> reviewedby 2008CARECARECARE & DPPKey PerformanceIndicatorsNumbers of research stationrehabilitatedNo. of levorotatory and fieldequipments procuredNo. of levorotatory and fieldequipments installedNo. of participatory researchConducted.No. of training sessionsconductedNo. of Research and Ext.Staff trainedNo. of staff participated inResearch conferences.Performance based incentivepackage documentNo. of staff receivedPerformance incentivepackageCARE No. of farmers receivedtraining on IPPMNo. of farmer groupsadopting IPPMCARE<strong>Agricultural</strong> research master<strong>plan</strong> reviewed document29

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