Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo
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Ten (10) forums for civil society, public institutions and other stakeholders onenvironmental management issues organised to all district by 2010 Strategies and Action Plan for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management prepared andlaunched by 2010 Strategies for biodiversity conservation developed by 2010 Population of Indian house crow reduced to 70% of the present population by 2010 Forestry and marine protected areas unified into Zanzibar protected areas system by 2010 Participatory management agreements around forest protected areas increased by 50% by2010 Potential features for ecotourism in and around protected areas developed by 2009 Legal forest classification system for effective management of forest reserves in place by2011 Local wood fuel supply increased by 20% by 2010 Alternative source to wood-fuel (such as liquid petroleum gas, natural gas etc), promotedand adopted by 2010 Farm and off-farm income linkages and opportunities promoted and diversified by 2010 Motivation plan for forestry actors and stakeholders developed by 2010 The existing physical structures of the institution upgraded by 2010 Forestry related early warning and response system adopted by 2010.Objective 6:Market efficiency improved so as to encourage private sector participation.Targets: Relevant and effective marketing regulatory mechanisms established by 2009 Awareness creation programme on production of commodities with comparativeadvantages developed by 2010 Forty (40) resource mobilization trainings for developing appropriate marketinginfrastructures provided to all Districts by 2009 One (1) short-term training and two (2) study tours to Tanzania mainland to learn on howto collect, analyze and disseminate market information conducted by 2009 The MALE’s agricultural statistical unit strengthened by 2009 Annual crop yield surveys carried by 2010 Regular studies and surveys carried by 2010 Six (6) stakeholders’ meetings to foster private sector participation conducted by 201025

Six (6) regular TV and radio programmes produced by 2009 Agro-processing Promotion Programme in place by 2008Objective 7:Enabling environment for effective implementation of agriculture and related activities created.Targets: Agriculture Sector Policy 2002 reviewed by 2009 Forestry Policy reviewed by 2010 Long term Forestry Management Plan reviewed by 2009 Forestry Act and regulation reviewed by 2010 The Fisheries Act No. 8 of 1988 reviewed and amended by 2009 Environmental Policy and Act of 1996 reviewed by 2010 Cooperative Society Acts No 4 of 1986 and its amendment reviewed by 2010. Cooperative development policy formulated by 2008 Policies and programes to protect the remaining agricultural lands in place by 2010 Rural financial policy formulated by 2009 All MALE’s Policies and Laws printed and distributed to stakeholders at all levels by2009 Twenty (20) TV, radio programmes to publicize MALE’s policies and laws in place by2011 Six collaborative meetings between MALE and the respective Ministries/Institutions ofURT conducted by 2011 Effective system of holding regular meeting between MALE and MTTI, MWCEL andthe like established and operationalised by 2009.Objective 8:Cooperators and Rural Communities Based Organizations (CBOs) empowered to participatefully in production activitiesTargets: Programme for empowerment of rural community organization in place by 2009 A comprehensive study to identify factors constraining the development of CBOs andcooperative sectors in Zanzibar conducted by 2010 Skill capacity of 20% of the CBOs and cooperators enhanced 2011 The number CBOs registered increased by 20% by 201026

Ten (10) forums for civil society, public institutions and other stakeholders onenvironmental management issues organised to all district by 2010 Strategies and Action Plan for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management prepared andlaunched by 2010 Strategies for biodiversity conservation developed by 2010 Population of Indian house crow reduced to 70% of the present population by 2010 Forestry and marine protected areas unified into Zanzibar protected areas system by 2010 Participatory management agreements around forest protected areas increased by 50% by2010 Potential features for ecotourism in and around protected areas developed by 2009 Legal forest classification system for effective management of forest reserves in place by2011 Local wood fuel supply increased by 20% by 2010 Alternative source to wood-fuel (such as liquid petroleum gas, natural gas etc), promotedand adopted by 2010 Farm and off-farm income linkages and opportunities promoted and diversified by 2010 Motivation <strong>plan</strong> for forestry actors and stakeholders developed by 2010 The existing physical structures of the institution upgraded by 2010 Forestry related early warning and response system adopted by 2010.Objective 6:Market efficiency improved so as to encourage private sector participation.Targets: Relevant and effective marketing regulatory mechanisms established by 2009 Awareness creation programme on production of commodities with comparativeadvantages developed by 2010 Forty (40) resource mobilization trainings for developing appropriate marketinginfrastructures provided to all Districts by 2009 One (1) short-term training and two (2) study tours to Tanzania mainland to learn on howto collect, analyze and disseminate market information conducted by 2009 The MALE’s agricultural statistical unit strengthened by 2009 Annual crop yield surveys carried by 2010 Regular studies and surveys carried by 2010 Six (6) stakeholders’ meetings to foster private sector participation conducted by 201025

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