Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo


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6. Market efficiency improved so as to encourage private sector participation.7. Enabling environment for effective implementation of agriculture and related activitiescreated.8. Cooperators and Rural Communities Based Organizations (CBOs) empowered to participatefully in production activities.9. The individual, household and national food and nutrition security attained.10. The mainstreaming of crosscutting issues particularly HIV/AIDS and gender into theMALE’s functions intensified.3.4.1 RATIONALE FOR THE OBJECTIVESNo Objectives Rationale for the objectives1 Research, extension and The ultimate goal of Zanzibar’s Government from the agriculturalother production relatedperspective is to attain food security and reduce poverty, throughmodernisation and commercialization of the sector. Development ofsupportservices agricultural research and provision of production support servicesstrengthenedsuch as extension and credit service are among the tools to reach thisgoal. However, the present capacities in research and supportservices are inadequate to bring about the anticipated transformationof agriculture sector. Furthermore, the current inadequate finance forproductivity-enhancing inputs forcing the majority of smallholderfarmers to produce only for subsistence. Sustainable support servicesand research are therefore necessary for raising farm productivity.2 Artisanal and deep sea The increasing coastal population and associated increase of ruralfisheries in a sustainablemanner strengthened.unemployment increase the pressure on exploitation of marineresources. Therefore, there is a need to promote sustainable fishingpractices for the benefit of current and future generations.3 Livestock productionservices improved4 Human resources capacityin various cadres within theMinistryimproved.mandatesLivestock production remains an important economic sub-sector inZanzibar whose backbone is agriculture. Overall the sectorcontributes significantly to rural employment. This is attributedmainly to the introduction of dairy cattle from the seventies andtsetse eradication accomplished in 1997. The eradication of tsetsehas assured farmers to introduce improved dairy cattle. Moreover,the poorer rural household will be encouraged to participate inlivestock industry through the adoption of micro-livestockproduction such as cattle, poultry, goats and turkey for selfemployment, poverty reduction, and attain food security.MALE has a total of 3,458 employees assigned to its Commissionsand departments (Nominal roll 2007-8). However, only 10% have atleast certificate level qualifications. Additional trained manpower isneeded across the sector for the purpose of strengthening the MALE’scapability to implements its policies, programmes and projects.5. Sustainable use of natural Over exploitation of natural resources for example; the natural16

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