Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo


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the proposed recommendations. The outcome of the study will provide a convenient pointof departure towards tackling the existing inadequacies in agricultural marketing systemin a more professional manner. Outbreak of livestock diseases: The threats from Bird Flue and Rift Valley fever havereminded MALE on the need to strengthen its animal quarantine and veterinary servicesand enforcement of existing legislations and regulatory mechanisms in order to monitorand prevent the spread of livestock parasites and diseases. Low productivity in crops: MALE will collaborate with national, regional andinternational institutions in undertaking research and introduction of improved <strong>plan</strong>t andanimal genetic materials, and import appropriate technologies in view of getting shortterm,high yielding and draught, disease and pest resistant varieties. The Ministry willalso promote crop- livestock integration as well as IPPM farming practices so as toconserve soil fertility, regulate pest infestation and sustain productivity. Weak management information system: The ministry will strengthen the agriculturalstatistic unit and support its activities, so as to collect reliable, adequate and timelystatistic and to generate information to serve as guide for managerial decision forallocation of the ministry resources. Spreading of HIV/AIDS: MALE will act effectively to compliment Government effortsin combating the spread of HIV/AIDS infection in work places. The Ministry isimplementing its strategic <strong>plan</strong> for mainstreaming HIV/AIDS activities into theMinistry’s core functions, so far several sensitization training are being conducted atvarious levels. Weak communication with stakeholders: MALE is expected to communicate itspolicies, programmes, and activities to its stakeholders who are varying in terms of thenature of their activities, know-how and needs. The ministry will implement itscommunication strategy where by the emphasis will be on improving internalcommunication among MALE’s staff to enhance their understanding on ministryactivities and enable them to interact affectively with people outside the ministry. MALEwill provide the farmers with the information they need to change their attitude towardsadopting improved technologies as well as to participate fully in promoting agriculturalsector development. MALE will also communicate with public to create a greaterunderstanding and support for achievement of MALE’s objectives.14

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