Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo

Agricultural Strategic plan - Kilimo


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Shortage of expertise in some area Insufficient publicity of existing policy and legislation governing the Zanzibar agricultureand related sectors Weak law enforcement mechanisms Inadequate transparency in recruitment, performance appraisal, placement andpromotional procedures Poor agricultural management information system Degradation of natural resources bases Poor marketing and quality control system Weak research, extension and veterinary services.B. External Environmental ScanThe analysis of external environmental scan which include opportunities and threats for theMALE is as follows:i) OpportunitiesOpportunities are the external factors that offer advantages to MALE’s performance. Thisincludes: Comparative advantage in production of some cash crops like cloves, copra, tropicalfruits, spices and essential oils Existing market opportunities of crop, livestock and marine products due expansion oftourism and for export Sufficient natural resources including underground water, unexploited marine resourcesoffshore and on shore water Increase global demand for organic spices There is a bright scope in investment in processing of fish and other agricultural produces Increase opportunity for investment in dairy and beef industry due to successfullyeradication of Tsetse fly Limited access to financial services for agriculture producers, fishers and cooperators Unpredictable weather condition; (including high variability of rainfall, floods anddroughts) Conducive policy and institutional frameworks.ii) ThreatsThreats are Challenges that if not addressed properly might inhibit MALE chances of achievingits mission and objectives. Land scarcity associated with population density Increased socio economic activities threaten the depletion of natural resources andenvironmental degradation Poor enforcement of land use <strong>plan</strong> Complex land tenure system Reduction of agricultural labour force caused by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, malaria anddrug abuse Disease and pests outbreak12

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