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NOTICE BOARDfood and helping people. Butmore than this she loved her familyand she loved her Lord. Shenow awaits His return. “Preciousin the sight of the Lord is thedeath of one of His saints”.Neil TylerGray, Ronald Wilfred,born 13.4.1913 in NZ;died 11.9.12 at VictoriaPoint Adventist AgedCare, aged 99. He was predeceasedby his wife, Mary. He issurvived by his daughters, JennyGray Haskins and Dr Sue Gray; hisgrandchildren, Jason, Simon,Sammie, Kate, Nick and Chris; andgreat-grandchildren, Harvey,Cooper-Jay, Zoey and Frankie. TheGray family in Adelaide werefounding members of theAdventist Church, holding servicesin their home for many years inthe early 1900s. Ron is rememberedas a person who lived outhis Christian faith in practicalservice to others and commitmentto the Church. He successfullycompleted studies in theology, buttook up work at Sanitarium,holding positions as a driver, storeand restaurant manager and statemanager, altogether giving 44years of faithful service.Kara DaleHutton, Lorna (nee Finnis), born2.1.1921; died 16.9.12 in BrisbaneAdventist Retirement Village,Qld. Lorna loved to sing. In 1941,she married Ben Hutton in StAndrews Presbyterian church,Bundaberg, where they joinedthe choir and began to sing ineisteddfods. In 1949, they werebaptised in the Albion church andboth played active roles in churchKARALUNDIlife for many years. Ben predeceasedher in September 2010.Lorna loved God, church, familyand friends, her garden, and pets.She will be remembered for herwarm smile and friendly manner.She still enjoyed singing to the“oldies” when she moved into thehostel aged 86. She is survived byRod and Kathy Hutton, Chris andJohn Kemp; grandsons, Simon,Tim (and Anthea); and greatgrandchild,Annabelle, and byeveryone at ARV. We can’t waitto see her again.Judy FuaKirkman, Wray, born 13.12.1924at Millthorpe, Vic; died 3.9.12 atSuffolk Park, NSW. On 19.8.1947,he married June Morley. He waspredeceased by his daughter,Jenny on 4.7.11. He is survivedby his wife (Mullumbimby), sister,Loris Mitchell (Carboor, Vic); son,Barry, and wife, Clare (Mullumbimby,NSW); and grandson,Hayden. After returning from warservice, Wray married June andtogether they enjoyed 65 yearsof marriage. His working lifevaried from joiner, plasterer, tilerto banana grower and telecommunicationsinstaller. Wray was ahappy man who loved gardeningand the outdoors. His liferevolved around God, church,family and helping others.Ernie Krause, Cranville TooleyArthur WinterMcKendrick, James (Jim) Watt,born 29.6.1925 in Edinburgh,Scotland; died 21.3.12 in TownsvilleGeneral Hospital, Qld. Hewas predeceased by his wife,Beryl, in 1995. Jim is survived byhis daughters, Alix and Virginia,Two male and two female house parents 2013 (Meekatharra,WA). Develop and facilitate an out-of-school-hours program forstudents aged 10—17, including camps and excursions, music,sports and weekend activities. A focus on health and hygiene,respect, and responsibility are priorities in achieving personal andgroup development outcomes and creating a caring and supportivecommunity within the dormitories. Chief financial officer—responsibefor all accounting functions and systems. Karalundi is an oasisin the outback and includes a swimming pool, staff gymnasium andother recreational activities. Salary package includes subsidisedon-site housing and utilities with salary sacrifice available. Salaries/wages based on the Federal Education Services Award. Contact theCEO or principal for further information on (08) 9981 2000, email or or post your CV with three work-related references to The CEO,PMB 6, Meekatharra, WA 6642.Karalundi is independent of the Seventh-day Adventist Church organisation but issupportive of the Church.his son, Angus; and grandson,Ross. Jim saw active duty as arear-gunner in the RAF duringWorld War II. Post-war, Jimtrained as a pilot in the RAF andserved at home and abroad. Aperiod as a commercial pilotwith British Overseas AirwaysCorporation and West AfricanAirways ensued. Jim broughthis family to Australia in 1961,operating businesses in Brisbaneand Townsville, where the familymoved in 1969. Jim was baptisedin Townsville in 1996 and diedpeacefully in the blessed hope.Barry Harker, Brent JonesMoffitt, Nola Gertrude (neeCollett), born 14.1.1920 inChristchurch, NZ; died 23.7.12 atSherwin Lodge, Rossmoyne, WA.In November 1947, she marriedWattie Moffitt, who predeceasedher in 1986. She is survived byAlistair and Kim, Malcolm andPaula (all of Perth), Bronwyn(Melbourne, Vic) and Kevin(Vancouver, Canada). Nola was agentle and caring lady who lovedGod, her family and the church.She lived her faith and nowawaits Jesus, the One in whomher hopes have been centred.Richard ReynoldsMotto, Oliver Ralph William, died2.4.12, aged 72. He is survivedby his sister, Belva Grace Motto(Sarina, Qld). His funeral servicewas held 12.4.12 at the Mackaychurch, and he was laid to rest atthe Walkerston Cemetery.Tom OsborneNowland, Jean Olive (nee Palmer),born 1.7.1916 at Boonah, Qld;died 9.10.12 at Monto. In 1941,VOLUNTEERSAssistant deans for boththe men’s and women’sdorms for Longburn AdventistCollege in New Zealandneeded. Duties include: lookingafter the students in theirdormitories, being responsiblefor vespers, Friday nightworships etc. You would berequired from mid-Januarythrough to mid-December.For more information visit or contact AVS (02) 9847 3278—Anna Downing.she married Claude Nowland.She was predeceased by herhusband in 1992 and her children,Marjorie in 2005, Brian in 1996and Johnny in 1978. She is survivedby her children, Betty, Robert,Bernice, Glenn, Malcolm andRussell (all of Qld); 23 grandchildren;23 great-grandchildren andone great-great-grandchild. Jeansupported the family after herfather was crippled. She was anavid reader, who loved animalsand had a good sense of humour.She enjoyed the football, but wasvery spiritually minded and livedfor her family giving good adviceto keep them on track. Her softblue eyes twinkled with love andcompassion.Phil DowningPage, Irene Joyce (neeDubrich), born5.2.1946 at Rose Park,SA; died 30.9.12 atShoalhaven Hospital, Nowra,NSW. On 15.3.1981, she wasmarried to David Page atLakemba church, by Pastor MaxHatton. She is survived by TraceyCope, Dean Coleman (both ofNowra), David Page (Cooranbong)and Aimee Page (Brisbane,Qld). Irene loved God, her familyand her church. She wasbaptised in the Nowra churchwith her husband in 1984 byPastor Cyril Brown, and becamea very active member. While sheis greatly missed by her family,they hold on to the knowledgethat they will be reunited whenJesus returns.Bruce CampbellRaethal, Pastor Elwyn Albert,born 24.10.1924 at Glen Huon,Tas; died 14.9.12 at AdventistAged Care, Cooranbong, NSW.On 29.11.1950, he married PhylisRhae Ford, who predeceasedhim on 14.10.10. He is survivedby his children, Colin and LoeenRaethel (Central Coast), Beverlyand George Ferguson (Mt Isa,Qld) and Heather and JonathonButcher (Cooranbong, NSW). Hisministry commenced at Milduraand Geelong, then 23 years inPapua New Guinea in severallocations and roles, includingmission pilot. Pastor Raethelcontinued flying on his return toAustralia where he worked in theNNSW Conference at AvondaleMemorial, Hillview, Brightwatersand Kyogle churches.Adrian Raethel, Bert CousinsMark Venz30 Adventist World | December 2012

Russell, Sean PeterLlewellyn, died in August2012, aged 46. He is survivedby his wife, Amanda Russell(West Marian, Qld). Hisfuneral service was held on25.9.12 at the Mackay church.He has been laid to rest atthe Walkerston Cemetery.Tom OsborneShepherd, George, born13.10.1931 at Sazgotarjan,Hungary; died 19.9.12 inBrisbane, Qld. George arrivedin Australia in 1969 and beganwork with Sanitarium andlater moved to Queenslandwhere he was employed asa door-to-door salesman.George loved people and wasmoved by his love for Christto help them as best hecould. He was a happy Christianand was always on thelookout for those whom hecould influence for the Gospelwhich he loved. George willalways be remembered as akind and loving friend whosecheerful manner broughthappiness to others.Steve CinzioSimmonds, Sheila Fraser(nee Wilson), born 12.1.1913at Stockton, NSW; died4.8.12 at Elizabeth LodgeHostel, Normanhurst, NSW,five months short of her100th birthday. On 21.6.1942,she married Walter Simmonds.She was predeceasedby her husband andeldest daughter, LorettaSatchell. She is survived byher son, Peter (Martinsville),and daughter, Elizabeth deGuio (Turramurra); six grandchildren;and four greatgrandchildren.When Sheilawas nine, a swagman sharedseveral books with her familyabout the Sabbath, given tohim by the manager of theSanitarium factory. These ledto attendance at Hamiltonchurch and, for Sheila, atAvondale College. She willbe remembered for love offamily, loyalty to her churchand her friends, and hersingle-minded integrity.Ray Coombe, Claude JuddTrevor LloydSpeers, Geoff, born 4.9.1928in Sydney, NSW; died 19.9.12in Warwick hospital. Hemarried Lorna McCarty on2.7.1953 and they were happilytogether for 60 years. Heis survived by his wife; andchildren, Robin (Canberra,ACT), Sharon (BatesmansBay, NSW), Steven (Bowen,Qld), James (Toowoomba),Fay (Tin Can Bay), andSimon (Stanthorpe); and 17grandchildren. Geoff will besadly missed by his familyand friends. He liked hiswoodwork. Geoff loved hisLord very much.Humberto RiveraWillersdorf, Arthur Louis,born 27.2.1927 at Nambour,Qld; died 5.6.12 at Mackay.On 23.12.1950, he marriedWendy Norman at Sarina.He is survived by his wife;and his daughters, WendyPage-Dhu, Suzanne O’Sheaand Sheryl Willersdorf;seven grandchildren; threegreat-grandchildren; andtheir families. Arthur workedat the Australian NationalPower Alcohol Distillery as ashift chemist and the SugarResearch Institute in Mackayas a technical officer. Atthe institute he also helpedto dry Taipan venom in thelab for antivenin. The familymoved to Mackay in 1956after accepting the Adventistmessage. He enjoyed fishing,oil painting, gardening andgem fossickking and helpingfamily build their homes.Luke Stuart, Tom OsborneADVERTISEMENTSChristian Services for theBlind and Vision Impaired(CSFBHI) is wishing to createa register of “signers” for thedeaf in each conference geographicarea. These wouldbe available for individualchurches and church meetingsupon request. If youhave skills in this area andwould be willing to act as asigner at public meetings orspecial church services ineither a paid or voluntary capacity,contact Lee Dunstan,manager CSFBHI: phone +612 9847 2296; email ; post to PO Box 1115,Wahroonga NSW 2076.House for sale. BonnellsBay 3x2x3, 12km to AvondaleCollege. Lake and mountainviews, northerly aspect,excellent area. Full recentinternal renovation; qualitykitchen, hardwood flooring,new paint, tiles and carpet.Front & rear decks. $399,000Ph owner 0424530269 (A/H).Reduced price qualitysatellite kits for Adventisttelevision and radio. Fullinstructions for easy DIYinstallation, photos, technicalsupport. $235 plus freight.Australia only (02) 6361 3636.Projectors, screens,wireless microphones,amplifiers, speakers etc.Lower prices for Adventistinstitutions. Australiaonly. Contact Trish, or (02) 63613636.Large variety of non-alcoholicwines, beers, mixersand sparkling/still juices.Ideal for weddings, birthdays,functions or enjoy for a refreshingalternative. ContactDry Dock Cellars, Ph: 0450954 129 or email .Finally...Enjoy the little things,for one day you may lookback and realize theywere the big things.—Robert BraultThe RealChristmasCardSigns Ministry has a newGoodwill flyer for you toshare with your communitythis Christmas—in a churchprogram or to letterbox.Stock limited.TO ORDERPacks of 100 1 2-9 10+$AUD $22 $20 $18$NZ $28 $25 $221800 035 542 (Aus)CALL0800 770 565 (NZ)“Behold, I come quickly…”Our mission is to uplift Jesus Christ, unitingSeventh-day Adventists everywhere in beliefs,mission, life, and hope.PublisherThe Adventist World, an international periodical ofthe Seventh-day Adventist Church. The General Conference,Northern Asia-Pacific Division of Seventh-day Adventists ® ,is the publisher.Executive Publisher and Editor in ChiefBill KnottAssociate PublisherClaude RichliInternational Publishing ManagerChun, Pyung DukPublishing BoardTed N. C. Wilson, chair; Benjamin D. Schoun, vice chair;Bill Knott, secretary; Lisa Beardsley-Hardy; DanielR. Jackson; Robert Lemon; Geoffrey Mbwana; G. T. Ng;Daisy Orion; Juan Prestol; Michael Ryan; Ella Simmons;Mark Thomas; Karnik Doukmetzian, legal advisorAdventist World Coordinating CommitteeLee, Jairyong, chair; Akeri Suzuki; Kenneth Osborn;Guimo Sung; Chun, Pyung Duk; Han, Suk HeeEditors based in Silver Spring, MarylandLael Caesar, Gerald A. Klingbeil (associate editors),Sandra Blackmer, Stephen Chavez, Wilona Karimabadi,Mark A. Kellner, Kimberly Luste MaranEditors based in Seoul, KoreaChun, Pyung Duk; Chun, Jung Kwon; Park, Jae ManOnline EditorCarlos MedleyTechnical Coordinator and Reader ServicesMerle PoirierEditor-at-largeMark A. FinleySenior AdvisorE. Edward ZinkeFinancial ManagerRachel J. ChildEditorial AssistantMarvene Thorpe-BaptisteAssistant to the EditorGina WahlenManagement BoardJairyong Lee, chair; Bill Knott, secretary; P. D. Chun,Karnik Doukmetzian, Suk Hee Han, Kenneth Osborn,Juan Prestol, Claude Richli, Akeri Suzuki,Ex-officio: Robert Lemon, G. T. Ng, Ted N. C. WilsonArt Direction and DesignJeff Dever, Brett MelitiConsultantsTed N. C. Wilson, Robert E. Lemon, G. T. Ng,Guillermo E. Biaggi, Lowell C. Cooper, Daniel R. Jackson,Geoffrey Mbwana, Armando Miranda, Pardon K. Mwansa,Michael L. Ryan, Blasious M. Ruguri, Benjamin D. Schoun,Ella S. Simmons, Alberto C. Gulfan, Jr., Erton Köhler,Jairyong Lee, Israel Leito, John Rathinaraj, Paul S. Ratsara,Barry Oliver, Bruno Vertallier, Gilbert Wari, Bertil A. WiklanderTo Writers: We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Addressall editorial correspondence to 12501 Old Columbia Pike,Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600, U.S.A. Editorial office faxnumber: (301) 680-6638E-mail: worldeditor@gc.adventist.orgWeb site: www.adventistworld.orgUnless otherwise indicated, all Bible references are takenfrom the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980,1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rightsreserved. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible,New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.Adventist World is published monthly and printedsimultaneously in Korea, Brazil, Indonesia, Australia, Germany,Austria, and the United States.Vol. 8, No. 12December 2012 | Adventist World 31

NOTICE BOARDfood and helping people. Butmore than this she loved her familyand she loved her Lord. Shenow awaits His return. “Preciousin the sight of the Lord is thedeath of one of His saints”.Neil TylerGray, Ronald Wilfred,born 13.4.1913 in NZ;died 11.9.12 at VictoriaPoint <strong>Adventist</strong> AgedCare, aged 99. He w<strong>as</strong> predece<strong>as</strong>edby his wife, Mary. He issurvived by his daughters, JennyGray H<strong>as</strong>kins and Dr Sue Gray; hisgrandchildren, J<strong>as</strong>on, Simon,Sammie, Kate, Nick and Chris; andgreat-grandchildren, Harvey,Cooper-Jay, Zoey and Frankie. TheGray family in Adelaide werefounding members of the<strong>Adventist</strong> Church, holding servicesin their home for many years inthe early 1900s. Ron is remembered<strong>as</strong> a person who lived outhis Christian faith in practicalservice to others and commitmentto the Church. He successfullycompleted studies in theology, buttook up work at Sanitarium,holding positions <strong>as</strong> a driver, storeand restaurant manager and statemanager, altogether giving 44years of faithful service.Kara DaleHutton, Lorna (nee Finnis), born2.1.1921; died 16.9.12 in Brisbane<strong>Adventist</strong> Retirement Village,Qld. Lorna loved to sing. In 1941,she married Ben Hutton in StAndrews Presbyterian church,Bundaberg, where they joinedthe choir and began to sing ineisteddfods. In 1949, they werebaptised in the Albion church andboth played active roles in churchKARALUNDIlife for many years. Ben predece<strong>as</strong>edher in September 2010.Lorna loved God, church, familyand friends, her garden, and pets.She will be remembered for herwarm smile and friendly manner.She still enjoyed singing to the“oldies” when she moved into thehostel aged 86. She is survived byRod and Kathy Hutton, Chris andJohn Kemp; grandsons, Simon,Tim (and Anthea); and greatgrandchild,Annabelle, and byeveryone at ARV. We can’t waitto see her again.Judy FuaKirkman, Wray, born 13.12.1924at Millthorpe, Vic; died 3.9.12 atSuffolk Park, NSW. On 19.8.1947,he married June Morley. He w<strong>as</strong>predece<strong>as</strong>ed by his daughter,Jenny on 4.7.11. He is survivedby his wife (Mullumbimby), sister,Loris Mitchell (Carboor, Vic); son,Barry, and wife, Clare (Mullumbimby,NSW); and grandson,Hayden. After returning from warservice, Wray married June andtogether they enjoyed 65 yearsof marriage. His working lifevaried from joiner, pl<strong>as</strong>terer, tilerto banana grower and telecommunicationsinstaller. Wray w<strong>as</strong> ahappy man who loved gardeningand the outdoors. His liferevolved around God, church,family and helping others.Ernie Krause, Cranville TooleyArthur WinterMcKendrick, James (Jim) Watt,born 29.6.1925 in Edinburgh,Scotland; died 21.3.12 in TownsvilleGeneral Hospital, Qld. Hew<strong>as</strong> predece<strong>as</strong>ed by his wife,Beryl, in 1995. Jim is survived byhis daughters, Alix and Virginia,Two male and two female house parents 2013 (Meekatharra,WA). Develop and facilitate an out-of-school-hours program forstudents aged 10—17, including camps and excursions, music,sports and weekend activities. A focus on health and hygiene,respect, and responsibility are priorities in achieving personal andgroup development outcomes and creating a caring and supportivecommunity within the dormitories. Chief financial officer—responsibefor all accounting functions and systems. Karalundi is an o<strong>as</strong>isin the outback and includes a swimming pool, staff gymn<strong>as</strong>ium andother recreational activities. Salary package includes subsidisedon-site housing and utilities with salary sacrifice available. Salaries/wages b<strong>as</strong>ed on the Federal Education Services Award. Contact theCEO or principal for further information on (08) 9981 2000, email or or post your CV with three work-related references to The CEO,PMB 6, Meekatharra, WA 6642.Karalundi is independent of the Seventh-day <strong>Adventist</strong> Church organisation but issupportive of the Church.his son, Angus; and grandson,Ross. Jim saw active duty <strong>as</strong> arear-gunner in the RAF during<strong>World</strong> War II. Post-war, Jimtrained <strong>as</strong> a pilot in the RAF andserved at home and abroad. Aperiod <strong>as</strong> a commercial pilotwith British Overse<strong>as</strong> AirwaysCorporation and West AfricanAirways ensued. Jim broughthis family to Australia in 1961,operating businesses in Brisbaneand Townsville, where the familymoved in 1969. Jim w<strong>as</strong> baptisedin Townsville in 1996 and diedpeacefully in the blessed hope.Barry Harker, Brent JonesMoffitt, Nola Gertrude (neeCollett), born 14.1.1920 inChristchurch, NZ; died 23.7.12 atSherwin Lodge, Rossmoyne, WA.In November 1947, she marriedWattie Moffitt, who predece<strong>as</strong>edher in 1986. She is survived byAlistair and Kim, Malcolm andPaula (all of Perth), Bronwyn(Melbourne, Vic) and Kevin(Vancouver, Canada). Nola w<strong>as</strong> agentle and caring lady who lovedGod, her family and the church.She lived her faith and nowawaits Jesus, the One in whomher hopes have been centred.Richard ReynoldsMotto, Oliver Ralph William, died2.4.12, aged 72. He is survivedby his sister, Belva Grace Motto(Sarina, Qld). His funeral servicew<strong>as</strong> held 12.4.12 at the Mackaychurch, and he w<strong>as</strong> laid to rest atthe Walkerston Cemetery.Tom OsborneNowland, Jean Olive (nee Palmer),born 1.7.1916 at Boonah, Qld;died 9.10.12 at Monto. In 1941,VOLUNTEERSAssistant deans for boththe men’s and women’sdorms for Longburn <strong>Adventist</strong>College in New Zealandneeded. Duties include: lookingafter the students in theirdormitories, being responsiblefor vespers, Friday nightworships etc. You would berequired from mid-Januarythrough to mid-December.For more information visit or contact AVS (02) 9847 3278—Anna Downing.she married Claude Nowland.She w<strong>as</strong> predece<strong>as</strong>ed by herhusband in 1992 and her children,Marjorie in 2005, Brian in 1996and Johnny in 1978. She is survivedby her children, Betty, Robert,Bernice, Glenn, Malcolm andRussell (all of Qld); 23 grandchildren;23 great-grandchildren andone great-great-grandchild. Jeansupported the family after herfather w<strong>as</strong> crippled. She w<strong>as</strong> anavid reader, who loved animalsand had a good sense of humour.She enjoyed the football, but w<strong>as</strong>very spiritually minded and livedfor her family giving good adviceto keep them on track. Her softblue eyes twinkled with love andcomp<strong>as</strong>sion.Phil DowningPage, Irene Joyce (neeDubrich), born5.2.1946 at Rose Park,SA; died 30.9.12 atShoalhaven Hospital, Nowra,NSW. On 15.3.1981, she w<strong>as</strong>married to David Page atLakemba church, by P<strong>as</strong>tor MaxHatton. She is survived by TraceyCope, Dean Coleman (both ofNowra), David Page (Cooranbong)and Aimee Page (Brisbane,Qld). Irene loved God, her familyand her church. She w<strong>as</strong>baptised in the Nowra churchwith her husband in 1984 byP<strong>as</strong>tor Cyril Brown, and becamea very active member. While sheis greatly missed by her family,they hold on to the knowledgethat they will be reunited whenJesus returns.Bruce CampbellRaethal, P<strong>as</strong>tor Elwyn Albert,born 24.10.1924 at Glen Huon,T<strong>as</strong>; died 14.9.12 at <strong>Adventist</strong>Aged Care, Cooranbong, NSW.On 29.11.1950, he married PhylisRhae Ford, who predece<strong>as</strong>edhim on 14.10.10. He is survivedby his children, Colin and LoeenRaethel (Central Co<strong>as</strong>t), Beverlyand George Ferguson (Mt Isa,Qld) and Heather and JonathonButcher (Cooranbong, NSW). Hisministry commenced at Milduraand Geelong, then 23 years inPapua New Guinea in severallocations and roles, includingmission pilot. P<strong>as</strong>tor Raethelcontinued flying on his return toAustralia where he worked in theNNSW Conference at AvondaleMemorial, Hillview, Brightwatersand Kyogle churches.Adrian Raethel, Bert CousinsMark Venz30 <strong>Adventist</strong> <strong>World</strong> | December 2012

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