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nized problems. Animals consumingsuch foodstuffs, in turn, become problematic.When such contaminants areantibiotics, hormonal growth promoters,pesticides, and heavy metals, theymay be concentrated in the meat,milk, or eggs.Organochlorines, such <strong>as</strong> DDT,have been <strong>as</strong>sociated with incre<strong>as</strong>edrisk of pancreatic and bre<strong>as</strong>t cancers,lymphoma, and leukemia. Attempts tocorrelate polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) with bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer have provedconclusive. 10Infection Agents and CancerEllen White spoke of cancerouseffects of flesh foods in unpublishedtestimonies in 1896. In 1905 she spokeof flesh that w<strong>as</strong> “filled with tuberculosisand cancerous germs.” 11 It w<strong>as</strong> notuntil Peyton Rous in 1911 published“Transmission of Malignant NewGrowth by Means of a Cell-free Filtrate”that an infection link to cancerw<strong>as</strong> first documented in scientific literature.12 Only in the 1980s didadvances in molecular biology permitthe detection of very small quantitiesof an infectious agent in biologicalspecimens. Since then at le<strong>as</strong>t eightdifferent viruses, four par<strong>as</strong>ites, andone bacterium have been causallylinked to cancer.Hepatitis B and C and the humanpapilloma viruses are transmitted bysexual means and blood contamination.The Epstein-Barr virus is alsotransmitted by human-to-humancontact, <strong>as</strong> is HIV infection. Thehuman T-cell lymphotropic viruscauses lymphoma/leukemia, and issimilarly transmitted by human-tohumancontact.Human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8)h<strong>as</strong> been <strong>as</strong>sociated with Kaposi’s sarcoma.Helicobacter pylori are <strong>as</strong>sociatedwith stomach cancer. Par<strong>as</strong>ites ofthe liver fluke families, acquired byeating raw or undercooked fish, havebeen <strong>as</strong>sociated with liver cancer. Asyet there is no evidence of animalviruses causing human cancer, but theconcept of a cancer germ w<strong>as</strong> dismissedin medical literature until thep<strong>as</strong>t few decades.Diet and NutritionIt’s been estimated that some 30 percentof human cancers are related todiet and nutrition. The incidence ofvarious cancers differs by worldregion. There are many potentialcauses of such variation, but cancersof the bre<strong>as</strong>t, colorectum, prostate,endometrium, ovary, and lung aregenerally more common in developedcountries. Cancer of the digestivetract is more frequent in developingcountries.The most consistent finding is the<strong>as</strong>sociation of reduced risk of variouscancers with the eating of fruits andvegetables. The <strong>Adventist</strong> Health Studiessupport these findings, particularlyshowing that meat eaters experience athreefold to fourfold incre<strong>as</strong>ed risk forcolon cancers. There is a consistent<strong>as</strong>sociation between red meat (pork,beef, and lamb) and processed meat,with incre<strong>as</strong>ed risks being noted inmany studies.Simple sugar (mono- and disaccharides)may be <strong>as</strong>sociated withincre<strong>as</strong>ed colorectal cancer. Thehigher carbohydrate content of avegetarian diet, with its complex carbohydrates,appears to offer a protectiveeffect.Fat h<strong>as</strong> been the focus of mosthypotheses about dietary factorsand cancer. Studies on ratios of polyunsaturatedand monounsaturatedfats have, <strong>as</strong> yet, not yielded clear data,although olive oil is <strong>as</strong>sociated withreduced risk.30 %of cancers are related todietandnutrition.A Gift From GodThe <strong>Adventist</strong> health message ofhealthful eating, exercise, fresh air, rest,and trust in God is a gift to us from ourloving, merciful Creator to help us tolive full, healthy lives while we await Hissoon return. Let’s thank and praise Himfor this bountiful gift. ■1<strong>World</strong> Health Organization, <strong>World</strong> Cancer Report 2008, www.iarc.fr/en/publications/pdfs-online/wcr/2008/.2International Journal of Cancer 127, no. 12 (Dec. 15, 2010):2893-2917.3<strong>World</strong> Health Organization, <strong>World</strong> Cancer Report 2003, pp.22-28.4P. Pott, ed. Chirurgical Observations (London: Hawes, Clark,and Collins, 1775).5Harvard Report on Cancer Prevention. Volume 1: Cancer Causesand Control 7 (suppl.): 53-59.6L. Tomatis, A. Aitio, N. E. Day, E. Heseltine, J. Kaldor, A. B.Miller, D. M. Parkin, E. Riboli, eds., Cancer: Causes, Occurrence,and Control, IARC Scientific Publication, no. 100 (Lyon: IARCPress, 1990).7“Carcinogens in Food: Priorities for Regulatory Action,”Human Experimental Toxicology 15:739-746.8“Chlorination, Chlorination By-products, and Cancer: AMeta-analysis,” American Journal of Public Health 82:955-963;Drinking Water and Cancer. Cancer Causes and Control 8:292-308.9Ibid.10Relevance to Human Cancer of N-Nitroso Compounds, TobaccoSmoke, and Mycotoxins, IARC Scientific Publications, no. 105(Lyon: IARC Press, 1991).11Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing (Mountain View,Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1905), p. 313.12Peyton Rous, in Journal of the American Medical Association56 (1911): 198.Allan R. Handysides, aboard-certified gynecologist,is director ofthe General ConferenceHealth Ministries Department.December 2012 | <strong>Adventist</strong> <strong>World</strong> 13

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