Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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However, it also depresses the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and thus meritsinclusion as an antagonist of normal purine and pyrimidine metabolism. 276OHOOOHNNCF 3HOOSNCONH 2HOHOOH(25)(26)Targets for Antiviral ChemotherapyViral chemotherapy presents a quite different problem from tumorchemotherapy. A virus 277 consists of a core of nuclear material, DNA or RNA,containing specific viral genes, which may be associated with ‘core proteins’, andwhich is surrounded by a protective proteincoat. The coat may have functionalprotein appendages, and there may be present an ‘envelope’, rich in lipoproteinand glycoprotein. The virus possesses no energy-producing or proteinsynthesizing machinery of its own. In order to reproduce, it must thereforebecome adsorbed to a host cell, be transported across the cell membrane, anduncoat in order that its viral genes may be expressed. The genome may requireto be transported to the cytoplasm or the nucleus. The nuclear material mustthen be replicated, and the viral genes also transcribed into RNA (assuming thatwe are dealing with a DNA virus) and translated into virally specified protein. Inaddition to the coat protein, viral enzymes will be produced in this process, andthese are vital for suborning the host cell’s internal biochemistry to servethe requirements of the virus. Before the viral proteins can be made, a process of56Pyrimidine…..

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