Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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Pyrimidine derivatives have wide varieties of usages. Pyrimidine ring system isalso present in Vitamin B 2 and folic acid. Pyrimidine ring system having amercapto group occupy a unique position in medicinal chemistry. 184 These typesof derivatives play a vital role in biological processes 185-187 as well as syntheticdrugs. 188Some of the therapeutic activities of pyrimidine derivatives can besummarized as follows.(a) Antithyroid 189-190 (b) Antitumor 191-193(c) Antihypertensive 194-196 (d) Antiinflammatory 197-199(e) Diuretic 200 (f) Antimalarial 201-203(g) Antispasmodic 204 (h) Anticonvulsant 205(i) Antineoplastic 206,207 (j) Anthelmintic 208(k) Antimicrobial 209-234 (l) Cardiovascular 235-237(m) Antiviral 238-241 (n) Platelet aggregation inhibitor 242,243(o) Antihistamine 244,245 (p) Anti-HIV 246,247(q) Antitubercular 248The basis of any rational drug discovery programme is fundamently, theMedicinal Chemistry. Although the synthesis of modified nucleic acids has beena subject of interest for some time, the intense focus on the medicinal chemistryof oligonucleotides dates perhaps to not more than five years. As a result ofthis, the scope of medicinal chemistry has recently been expanded enormously,but the biological data of supporting the conclusions about synthetic strategieshave just begun to emerge.Modifications in the base, sugar and phosphate moieties ofoligonucleotides and oligonucleotide conjugates have been reported. Thesubjects of medicinal chemical programmes include approaches to createenhanced affinity and more selective affinity for RNA or duplex structures, the46Pyrimidine…..

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