Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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(C) Drug DevelopmentMany natural products by trial and error, came into practice for combatingHuman ailments existent during early human observation. With the advent ofmodern scientific approach, various plant medicines came under chemical scrutiny,ultimately leading to the isolation of active principles since early.Such compounds either in extract form or in pure form became a part ofpharmacopoeias. For instance, though the Chinese drug, Mauhang was in use forover 5000 years for the treatment of various types of fever and respiratory ailments,its active principle, Ephedrine was isolated in 1887. In 1925 chemical investigationsfollowed by pharmacological evaluation led this compound into the modernmedicine. Similarly during this period, urea stibamine was introduced as the firstdrug in 1920 for the treatment of Kala-azar. In 1930, De Rauwolfia preparationswere first employed for sedative and hypotensive properties.A drug is a substance having abnormal effect on certain body functions eg.Strychnine stimulates the action of heart and aspirin retards its action. Since both ofthem effects abnormally, the two substances are known as drugs. Chemicalsciences contributed extensively new discoveries leading to useful drugs since after1930.The modern concept of drug discovery started in 1933 by Gerhand Domagkwith his finding of “Prontosil Red”, a compound responsible for the antibacterialactivity. The advent of sulphonamides drew the attention for the different activitiesof various chemicals for bacterial and human cells, this important factor promptedFlorey and Chain in 1939 to investigate penicillin which was discovered ten yearsearlier by Alexander Fleming. The spectacular chemotherapeutical properties ofpenicillin and its dramatic war-time development for the treatment of wounds madepenicillin, a most commonly used inexpensive drug.10General Introduction …..

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