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Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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( iii ) Epoxidation can also been carried out by using sodium hypochloridecatalysed by transition metal complexes. 476( iv ) An excellent method for the introduction of an epoxide ring involves variousring closure procedure. A major synthetic pathway of ring closure methods isthe Darzens condensation. 477 For example, benzaldehyde is converted intocorresponding glycide described as under. 478OC 6 H 5 CHO + ClCH 2 COOC(CH 3 ) 3t-BuOKt-BuOHH 5 C 6COH 3CH 3OCH 3( v ) Coreys and Chakowski 479 discovered an ingenious application of dimethylsulfoxonium methylides as methylene transfer agents to the carbonyl groupfor oxirane formation.H 5 C 6C 6 H 5O(H 3 C) 2 SCH 2-OC 6 H 5H 5 C 6OO( vi ) Rasaki Abayomi Osisany et al. 480 have been synthesized chalcone epoxideby using hydrogen peroxide in alkaline medium.( vii ) Straub Thomas S. et al. 481 reported that α, β - unsaturated carbonylcompounds rapidly converted to epoxy ketones at room temp. in aqueoussodium perborate in the presence of phase transfer catalyst.148Oxirane…..

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