Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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INTRODUCTIONThe saturated Heterocyclic three-member ring containing one oxygen atom isknown as Oxirane ( I ). Oxirane and its derivatives have been known for a long timeand have been used as key intermediates in the synthesis of great variety of organiccompounds. The Oxirane ring has also designated as “epoxide”, “ethylene oxide”,“ glycide” or some times as “α, β–epoxy ethane” and “1,2-oxido ethane”Wurtz 471 first discovered Oxirane or ethylene oxide in 1859.O( I )SYNTHETIC ASPECTThere are so many procedures have been cited in the literature to synthesiseoxiranes.( i ) The simplest method of preparing the parent compound oxirane is the directoxidation of alkene by air over a silver catalyst at elevated temperature or it’soxidation to epoxide can be usefully accomplished with organic per acids. 472473Some times epoxidation is carried out by a more reagent alkaline H 2 O 2.( ii ) Payne and co-workers 474,475 have used a mixture of benzonitrile and H 2 O 2 inmethanol which produces peroxy carboximidic acid which is an efficientoxidizing agent.147Oxirane…..

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