Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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PHARMACEUTICAL IMPORTANCE :2- Pyrazolines have been found to possess very interesting range ofimportant therapeutic activities shown below :1. Bactericidal 3952. Anticonvulsant 3983. Diuretic 3994. Analgesic 4005. Antiinflammatoty 4016. Insecticidal 4027. Antibacterial 4038. Herbicidal 4043-N-Arylamino-1-(4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-thiazol-yl)-2-pyrazolines are found to beuseful as an antiinflammatory and allergy inhibitor agents. 405 K. Trena andZolzislaw 406 have tested 2-Pyrazolines on rats and observed comparatively goodresponse as hypoglycemic agents. Moreover, several pyrazolines have beenreported to possess antimicrobial activity 407 . Some new 2-pyrazolines (I) have beensynthesised and their antimicrobial properties have been reported by Koos et al. 408More over, use of some pyrazolines as cardiovascular agent along with theirsynthesis 409 is also reported in literature. Subbanward et al. 410 have prepared andtested some novel pyrazoline derivatives for their antimicrobial activity.Recently Abl El-Latif and co-workers 411 have synthesized pyrazolinederivatives. Ismail et al. 412 have prepared pyrazoline derivatives bearingsulphonamide moiety and tested their antimicrobial activity. Sarah and coworkers413 have synthesised pyrazoline derivatives and reported antibacterial,analgesic and antiinflammatory activities. Wang et al. 414 have synthesisedpyrazoline derivatives which showed bactericidal activity.120Pyrazoline…..

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