Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University

Download (3100Kb) - Etheses - Saurashtra University


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INTRODUCTION :The chemistry of Pyrazoline was reviewed by Jarboe in 1967. Pyrazoline hasthree possible tautomeric structures, but the structure shown is the most stablewhich can be prepared by hydrazine hydrate and acrolein.NH 2NH 2+C H 2CHONHNThe interesting biological activities of a novel heterocycle like pyrazolineshave stimulated considerable research work in recent years leading to the syntheticutility of the derivatives of this ring system.SYNTHETIC ASPECT :Different methods for the preparation of 2-Pyrazolines are as per follows :(1) The most common procedure for the synthesis of an aliphatic or aromatichydrazine with α, β - unsaturated carbonyl compounds.R"RR 1O+R''NHNH 2NR 1NR(2) 3-Amino-2-Pyrazolines can be prepared by condentation of α, β -unsaturated nitriles with hydrazine.117Pyrazoline…..

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