High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...

High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ... High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...

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which are included in the Decent Neighbourhoods Fund. The current year positionof the Housing capital programme is summarised in Table 7.Table 7 – Summary of the 2012/13 Housing Capital ProgrammeQuarter 1RevisedBudget2012/13£mQuarter 2RevisedBudget2012/13£mVariance£mExpenditure 36.7 32.2 (4.5)Resources (36.7) (32.2) 4.5Forecast (Surplus) /Deficit0 0 05.10 The reduction in the total value of the programme has been primarily driven by areduction in the forecast available resources, primarily as a result of the re-profilingto 2013/14 of anticipated receipts.5.11 Members have previously been notified that the realisation of leasehold income isnot straight-forward and there continues to be a risk that income targets will not bemet. Given this risk Finance and Corporate Services are liaising with Housing andRegeneration Department to regularly review and monitor the level of leaseholdcontributions generated.5.12 Appendix 6 provides a more detailed breakdown of the expenditure programmeand resource assumptions.6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCECOMMENTS6.1 The General Fund is forecast to underspend by £2.158m in 2012/13.6.2 The HRA is forecasting an underspend of £0.093m. As a result of invest to saveprojects of £1.128m outside of day to day operations the HRA balance is forecast tofall by £0.811m to £4.218m.6.3 Capital financial comments are contained within section 5 of this report.LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS USED IN PREPARING THIS REPORTNo.Description ofBackground PapersName/Extfile/copyof holder ofDepartment/Location1. None

APPENDIX 1:DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS - BUDGET REVENUE MONITORING 2012-13QUARTER 1 FORECASTADULT SOCIAL CARE (ASC)1. Variance by Departmental DivisionRevisedBudgetQuarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sOperations 45,806 (751) (1,641)Provided Service and Mental Health13,026 (460) 311PartnershipCommissioning 16,027 (447) (259)Procurement and Business Intelligence (35) (21) (13)Finance 1,462 7 7Directorate 323 (24) 0Total 76,709 (1,696) (1,595)2. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionOperationsProvidedService andMental HealthPartnershipCommissioningVariance£000s(751)(460)(447)Procurement (21)and BusinessIntelligenceFinance 7Directorate (24)Total (1,696)Explanation & Action PlansThis favourable position in the Operations Division mainlyrelates to the projected decrease in client numbers inOlder People and Physical Disabilities. However, inAugust, the underspend reduced due to 10 new clients inOlder people and physical disabilities.The underspend in the Provided Service Division is mainlydue to the early achievement of Mental Health efficiency of(£200k) and a projected underspend of (£260k) in themental health placement budget.In the Supporting People budget there is a favourableprojected variance of (£296k) due to two contracts withlower level of activities than planned. The communityinvestment fast track budget is on course to underspendby (£118k). There are other minor divisional underspendsof £33k.

which are included in the Decent Neighbourhoods Fund. The current year positionof the Housing capital programme is summarised in Table 7.Table 7 – Summary of the <strong>2012</strong>/13 Housing <strong>Capital</strong> ProgrammeQuarter 1Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13£mQuarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13£mVariance£mExpenditure 36.7 32.2 (4.5)Resources (36.7) (32.2) 4.5Forecast (Surplus) /Deficit0 0 05.10 The reduction in the total value of the programme has been primarily driven by areduction in the forecast available resources, primarily as a result of the re-profilingto 2013/14 of anticipated receipts.5.11 Members have previously been notified that the realisation of leasehold income isnot straight-forward <strong>and</strong> there continues to be a risk that income targets will not bemet. Given this risk Finance <strong>and</strong> Corporate Services are liaising with Housing <strong>and</strong>Regeneration Department to regularly review <strong>and</strong> monitor the level of leaseholdcontributions generated.5.12 Appendix 6 provides a more detailed breakdown of the expenditure programme<strong>and</strong> resource assumptions.6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCECOMMENTS6.1 The General Fund is forecast to underspend by £2.158m in <strong>2012</strong>/13.6.2 The HRA is forecasting an underspend of £0.093m. As a result of invest to saveprojects of £1.128m outside of day to day operations the HRA balance is forecast tofall by £0.811m to £4.218m.6.3 <strong>Capital</strong> financial comments are contained within section 5 of this report.LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS USED IN PREPARING THIS REPORTNo.Description ofBackground PapersName/Extfile/copyof holder ofDepartment/Location1. None

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